Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

We had the biggest tree (Oak) hit by lightening long before we bought this, Also a lot of high wind damage to other trees, etc over the years,. but nothing hurt this house (yet!)
That oak is still standing, but gonna need to come down eventually
Big split down the center/side but still growing every year


I tried to cut one that got hit hard. The sap had crystalize in that thing. Talk about ruining a chain on a saw! I put that to the tree and barely scratched the surface and started blowing dust. So I put a fresh edge on it. Two seconds into the cut… dust. I ended up asking a neighbor to come over and push that thing down and over the drop off with his bulldozer. We get some hard lightening strikes up here.


This one is the biggest on the property. Over 4’ across and very tall. Everything gets lots of green but you can stand inside the gash down the side. We put some hardware wire fencing on it to keep the dogs out of there.
It’ll destroy a lot of stuff in any direction if ya try to push it over (which I doubt can even be done!) So it’ll need to come down in sections. 3 main trunk split off central base. Each big as crap. lol over 100’ tall


Well, morning break is over. I’ve got things to do in prep for today’s meteorological mayhem.
Catch you later brother.


Be safe, brother!

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Don’t know about tornados. I prefer earthquakes. Had a hurricane go right over us in Baja. That was wild! The eye went directly over us. Wind from one direction, eye passes over, wind does a 180 from the other direction. Scary but pretty cool to experience.


I think I’d take hurricanes or tornadoes over earthquakes! Ground opening up under ya, isn’t my idea of fun!


Good morning JP and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!


Mornin’ OGers! :wave: :coffee:


Good morning everyone. Have a fantastic day


must be an old pic, these were the second worst rust buckets next to Nash Ramblers… you could hear them rust on a quiet night… lol!
In 1959I learned to drive at 8 years old, on a 1937 Packard field car. At 11, I traded a guitar for a 40 dodge coupe… yep, been around a while lol!


We’re all cinched up and got our spurs on tight. Hope she’s not too green!


We are under a Tornado watch today. Things could go bad again with the warm wet gulf air moving in from the south so watch out. I have my pups in the basement just in case.


Somebody refresh my memory on how to acclimate a clone that has been shipped in one of those soda bottle containers.
Quickly would be great. I just got one in and it’s been in the mail 8 days and is in less than good shape already. I’m only leaving the lid off for ~ 8 minutes at a time until I hear from someone.

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Be safe @SEMOActivist . :pray:

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Stay safe!

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Here’s Johnny!


The clone(s) are grown in a cloning box in the open air and have no need to be ‘hardened’… however, due to being in the shipping container for a period of 1-3 days, they WILL need to be acclimated. In order to help you in doing that, here are some simple steps to follow. Failure to do these may result in the clone(s) going into shock, or wilting, even to the point of over-stress or dying.

STEP 1 - Take the top off of the clone shipper(s)

STEP 2 - Next, with the top removed from the clone shipper, remove the foam insert,
and then place the top back on the clone shipper for 30 minutes.

STEP 3 - After 30 minutes with the top on, remove the top again, leaving it off - check on your clones every 5 minutes. If you see any leaf curling, or the clone wilting, you need to place the top back on for another 30 minutes.

STEP 4 - Repeat step 3 until you can leave the top off for 30 minutes without
seeing any curling, wilting, or general plant stress/shock.

STEP 5 - You can then proceed to potting the clone into 6" pots.


lol I already posted it for him another thread, brother. but thank you for assist!


Thank you very much @SEMOActivist . I was in a hurry to figure it out so I posted on three threads. :slight_smile:


I have his clone handling saved on a text file plus I have his worm casting germination and one and done spray thread saved for quick access.