Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

I like my whiskey straight more often than not. I’ll normally have a dark beer chaser along with it. I have definitely had my share of mixed drinks though. lol


lol Boilermaker is about the only ‘mixed drink’ I’d have. But haven’t drank those in many years.

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‘Freezer Vodka’ is the patricians choice…

Vodka hurts my stomach. I don’t know why but it does. The next day (and I rarely over indulge) my gut just burns.

I don’t drink anything stronger than pop… although pop would drink anything!
:wink: :crazy_face: :man_facepalming: :scream: :rofl: :+1:


Man!!! I hope I can remember that one :joy::joy::joy:


Thatun is older than I am! lol

hadda brush the cobwebs off

Well I’m just not old enough I guess. :joy:

lol my pop used to say it
When grampa and pop & unc sat around the fire sipping shine. I’d hear it now n then when he was offered the jug

There’s a few things Dad used to say that I have purposely continued the use of. Just because.


Gotta keep family traditions goin!
Like with the Ganja… My sons make 4th gen growers/smokers.
But I still swear grampa wasn’t the 1st gen, mainly because I remember him telling tales of smoking when he was 6. He had to got it from HIS pop, where the heck else is a 6yr old gonna snag it?!

edit… It’s just that I have personal knowledge of 4 gens, lol so I go with that. Rather than speculate

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Kinda like shine with my family. I get it.


my dad an off the boat scotsman says when he moved to Canada the first sign he saw was DRINK CANADA DRY been doing the best i can lads but the place is a wee wet and at 86 he still is just slower.


Any packages remaining to be sent out are ready to go! The next trip into town will be to stop by the Post Office first! lol Bad storms all day today has Rose not leaving the property, too many F’idiots on the roads in heavy rains/storms! She has tests at the hospital tomorrow and has to be there before Post Office opens, so looks like Wednesday is when the last ones go out to all. I want to thank everyone again for being so patient!


Top of the morning to you JP and co. Still stormy ? Take care and I hope Roses tests go well :pray: :green_heart:


Dance with the one what brought you.

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shutting down for the evening, folks.

Good Night OG!


It seems like I just posted on here, and when I go to catch up, I am 3 days behind!
Geez, where does the time go.
I put in a rough one today, but I got the yard work finished up, and my electric fence is almost buttoned up.
I am hoping this joint the wife and I just smoked, is gonna bring on the sandman.


Time flies when you’re having fun. Good morning Johnny good morning OG’s. Have a nice day folks.:peace_symbol:


good morning @JohnnyPotseed , @Greenfingers and OG!!

have a nice day :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: