Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

lol I told him probably not. I had forgot about all the clones though!

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Oh well what were the chances of being brilliant AND handsome…….


Ya mean like me?! :crazy_face: :wink: :rofl: :+1:

How cruel! That’s my twin brother……

I guess I got lucky. I’m the total package. I got the looks and the brains. Just didn’t get the money. Been chasing dollar bills all my life. But at least I’m smart and handsome. Hehehe.

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What’d ya do with all them dollar bills I heard got stuffed into yer g-string?
When the folks were paying you to get off the stage?!


Been awhile since I’ve seen a dollar bill. I’ve been using plastic for so long I never have the green anymore.

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I keep my green stashed under the mattress… the whole $14.00

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With prices at the store that may get you a sack of potatoes and a dirty look from the cashier!

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I was at the store the other day and the registers weren’t working. I bought some little candy peanut better cups, the kid couldn’t do the math without using the calculator on his phone. I think they were 20 cents a piece or something and I got 5 of them.


Good morning gentlemen. Hope everyone’s having a great day.


Morning bro!


Must’ve been a snowflake. God help us with this next generation of entitled spoiled brats.
It’s hard to find good help these days

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That pretty close to a buck. I think.


It’s been that way for awhile. In the 90’s I had my own tree service with more work than I could do. Was backlogged for 6 months. But I couldn’t keep an employee for more than a week because the work was hard. The going starting rate was barely over $7.00 an hour at the time and I was paying $10.00. Most wanted to go home after half a day and for me to stop work and take them.


I was an engineer at a manufacturing facility. Pay was dam good for line workers. And it was not very hard work. You could hire guys in the morning and after lunch they never show back up. Many young folks these days have a delusion of entitlement. They don’t want to work. They just want a paycheck. And oh yeah. Please deliver out to my home, I will be sleeping. And stop by the liquor store and cash that check and pick me up a case of Budweiser.


When contracting, I kept a running ad for help wanted. We had anywhere from 15-35 guys working along with Rose, our 3 sons, and myself. 3-6 jobs going almost always. did 57 roofs one summer alone. Paid above top dollar, and still couldn’t keep decent help!


Both of those sound similar to what I’m dealing with. I have worked in manufacturing at this job since 92. Ir was a challenge back then. But lately it’s been a different story many only last a day or two like was just expressed. We probably go through 30 or 40 temps before we find someone to stick with the job.


And dumber than a box of hammer heads.
I went to Burger King once and asked for a half dozen Cini-minis. The girl said. We only sell them individual or a dozen. I said, you’re shitting me. No sir! I said give me six then.
Incredibly stupid for even a high school kid.
And they BREED!


She was one of the smart ones because she could count to six. Just don’t ask them to add, subtract or divide now multiply they had no problem with, they just spread their legs.