Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

sitting here jamming to CCR albums lol happy as pig in slop… find myself shucking in time to the music
Put A Spell on You
The Working Man
Susie Q


Do you have Bayou Country? Maybe the extended cut? Good memories go along with that album for me.


I have every album they put out, including the live got em all qued up lol


Funny shit, lol the cat is sitting up on my desk beside me, jamming along

While watching me shuck beans lol


lol actually, I think it’s more for the occasional shotgun I blow her way


Way to take the edge off of your cats frustration after missing that last mouse.
“He was right there in the open and that dang dog spooked him before I could pounce!!!” puff puff… “Oh well, he’ll be fatter the next time I see him.”


lol mice only come in during the cold months, to get warm… and eaten by her! She def takes her job serious! Them meeces don’t stand a chance, lol


Nice looking Cat Johnny! What is her name?


Rascal, but we call her my ‘medi-cat’ she watches over me all the time. If I go to bed, she’s there until she knows I’m resting peaceful. If i stop breathing, she sinks a claw into me ( gently) to wake me up


So nice to have a good friend like that. I had a cat that was about the same with me. But she only woke me up for work every single day. One minute before the alarm would go off. I wondered how she knew what time it was. And she never woke me up on weekends. Her name was Sally. I ended up getting her, after the government took her from someone that was treating her badly.
I gave the shelter a donation, and we were best buddies for 16 years. She was blind and deaf, but even on her last day. She made it to the little box on her own. I miss her, I really do. She was also a Siamese cat, a lynx point.


After the first winter here, mice coming into the house from the woods and fields. We knew we had to get a ‘mouser’ so went to the shelter to adopt one. Knowing a full grown cat wouldn’t make it with these rotties and pittweiler, we went looking for a kitten, to grow up with the dogs and they could get used to each other… She was the only kitten to reach out through the bars of the cages to me. So we picked her, at 6weeks old. Chipped, neutered, all shots $25.00
Rose has learned to watch her when i lay down, to know if I’m at peace. If I’m ok, sdhe’ll leave the bed and come out into the rest of the house. lol
she thinks she’s one of the dogs


Nice to hear. And you got for 25 bucks. Thats a great deal for such a good friend.


6yrs old now, fav spot is my knee lol


Still lots of life left in her. I put my cat to sleep when she was 18 years old. Was one of the hardest things I ever did. And I cried like a baby! Yep I sure did.


My best boy named Yoda lasted 23 years. I have a Dusty now. I would not take a million for her. Just six years now.
Growing up i did not like cats. Who woulda thought i would fall in love with 2?


When we bought the house we are in now. It had a few mice in it. But the day we brought home Sally. She was already hard at work. I came the next day after work after we got her?
I looked all over the house for her, I thought she may have gotten out? I go into the basement and I have an area for some tools. And she came climbing up out of the hole in the wall, in between the 2x4s and the drywall. She came out with blood on her face, but it was mouse blood. No more mice after that day. :grinning:
She earned her keep.


Sorry to hear about Yoda :frowning_face:
I would also never would have traded Sally for that either.
But I have always been a cat person.
I thought about getting dogs many times, but I don’t know how to train them.
So I will just stick to Cats. :+1:
Thats a good enough excuse for me, and I certainly don’t want to be a pet owner who doesn’t take care of the pet properly.
Or have it barking at people and scamming them. Or be that neighbour that has the annoying little dog barking non stop.


My mom owned a grooming parlor, rescue shelter, boarding kennel for over 50 yrs. I grew up with all kinds of animals around the farm. So I’ve always been an ‘animal person’ more than any particular kind


I guess I can say the same. My favorite playmate as a kid was our beagle/basset mix. She was a great friend. Then I married Eva… Within the first two years we had 15+ dogs. All but one a rescue.
Yeah… we don’t do that anymore. All our seven dogs are fixed and we ain’t taking in any new ones. lol
We do love our friends. :slight_smile:


outta likes, lol
:heart: :heart: :heart:
I had pets of all sorts growing up. Dogs, cats, coons, rooster, horses.