Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

Blame it on the drugs.


Good morning everyone!


Morning my friends and family. Hope you got some rest JP.


Rest? What the hell is that?! These nurses set their schedules with one thing in mind, what time will be best to draw blood or do an ekg? Whiles trying to rest about an hour after passing out from the good shit we gave him?


Just tell them to give you a list of crap they have to do and how much drugs they’re allowed by law to administer… Then you and Rose sit down and make out a schedule that makes SENSE!
You can feel more “part” of the process and things would work out better for all concerned. You get rest. They don’t get to meet your evil twin… Win Win.


Actually lol that’s what I tried last night and almost got away with it too!
But it’s a plot I tell yas! When the nurse realized halfway through what i was up to, she got ‘called away’ !!!


What irritated me, when I was in the hospital, is they come in at 2 am. Here take this pill. What’s it for?? I will help you sleep. WTF?? I was sleeping fine till you woke me up you moron.


It’s the same nurse still, I’m sure of it!


Good morning everyone
Good morning @JohnnyPotseed awesome to see you spirits are so positive

Crowded room with all the positive energy being sent to you!!


Morning JP and all OG here! Keeping you in my thoughts that everything goes smoothly. You have a lot of people rooting for you my friend! :+1:


Next on the agenda is an attitudectomy,
That is when the nurse threatens to cut off little Johnny if you don’t STFU.


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. I got an early start today, I have to stockpile some firewood. It get cold in the barn in the fall. I don’t want to lag behind.
@JohnnyPotseed I hope you’re doing better today. They sure know how to time those blood draws and change bags on the iv’s. Get well my friend.:peace_symbol:


I do appreciate that too, my friend!

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I misunderstood the docs, with so much back n forth, in &outs, etc I in my drugged mind coulda swore they said a couple operations possible, lol but no (thankfully) the blood clot is getting meds to dissolve, but the nerve non responsive is still a mystery… (meaning they still trying to come up with reason that doesn’t involve them being at fault… really?!?!
They said they could go in through the groin and get the clot but bot gonna operate since this other problem has em wondering

Yeah. That’s why they sent the A’team home and called in the A’team’s professors… They have a better handle on getting ahead of lawsuits…

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Where they gonna get such small tools?
Asking for a friend.


The arteries clown lol they got nothing small enough to go through the pecker! That has withdrawn to the whoopin cough region after they put a the catheter in.


You’ll know fer sure if you vexed 'em when that catheter gets removed…

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Oh don’t I know that! Lol I’m not gonna P O them that has my pride n joy in their grip!!
It was weird, to say the least… when Rose had the nurse showing her what to do to help keep clean… lol both of em handling me and I’m trying to behave. Cause so drugged! Lol

I wanted so hard to crack s joke or two!


Probably a smart move. Rose might have given you a flick of the fingers :rofl::rofl: