Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

Aint easy puttin’ up with all the pokin’ , proddin’ , gettin’ stuck & other such indignities . Won’t even get into the groceries nor crappy TV . Worse part for me is being stuck immobile , aint a good patient .

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That woulda probably been the very least! :scream: :rofl: more likely scenario she’d rip it off!


Maybe if you had continued after the flick. You get some leeway for the iv drugs I’d think :grin:

The dilaudid drip is bad nuff, lol but they come along and give other pain meds during! They have different meds for the different pains…


I hope you get some relief from all of that!
Hoping the best for you.

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Can you say “Let’s make matters worse?” You know Johnny and his wicked ways. lol


The view from my room isn’t too shabby


That’s a beautiful coastline to gaze upon!.. Oh, wait… you mean the other window view :rofl:

Glad your doing alright Mr. Potseed!

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Lmfao!!! You dog!!! Hahahahaha :dog2:

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Johnny is without internet. He is working on the problem.


I’m able to access OG on Rose’s phone only. The laptop and my phone both decided ‘nope’ so limited posting they did another CTscan and now they’ve found a bacterial infection in the nerve bunch the block was done in. They put another IV in the same arm since they’ve blown all the veins in right arm…
Using some kinda ‘hardcore’ antibiotic that’s done intravenous


We need to find you a way to communicate. What will you do with all of your idle time?


Lay here, trying to make this leg move! So I can get TF outta here!
Course… I do that all day anyway, lol


Tell them to wash their damn hands and the prep area before doing the procedure next time!!!

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It’s inside, so had to come from something they used.but they saying now possible it’s what cause the block messages to move leg. Honestly? I just feel like one of two things. They know but don’t want to admit wrongdoing… or they haven’t gotta clue n slinging shit against the wall, hopin something works


They’re running outta places to stick me, lol had a couple more veins crash, by two different techs… where the hell do they get some of these idiots?! I had to put my hand on one just awhile ago. They had the damn needle jabbing back n forth still inside my arm… I grabbed their hand and locked em down, said that’s enough of that. Stop and leave or get punched… you choose. He left


That totally sucks. But that’s funny. I hate when they’re digging around and don’t know what they’re doing.


Just getting sick n tired of being nice and not getting anything figured out or done
Now I’m getting damn bedsores! Can’t move so heels are starting first. Rose had em show her how to bandage em
They should be glad she spends so much time here keeping me calm down. Stay overnight even


Gonna take my leave of you good people, cyas later, OG!
lol Not gonna say goodnight, cause we all know I’ll be back sooner or later, off n on!


Hang in there brother! We are all pulling for you.