Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 1)

Wow brother, sign me up. One day I will get a traditional bow. These ones I rebuilt are the closest I have. I have many bows but these are always fun. Still not the same as a traditional bow like the ones I learned on.


Yo Boss
I put some magic pixie dust in the mail for you this morning.


Many thnx cuz! I look forward to dusting some of these gals with it! :grinning: :+1:


My pleasure. I haven’t been running this Dragonblood Hashplant for me, y’know. I am running them for all of YOU! Oh I might get some smoke, but really, it’s for the seed. And those are to be given away.


nice rig @DougDawson ive just got a cheap PSE, but it sure is fun to go outside and play around with. probably need to get out there soon… but lets discuss that kickass arcade game there, if thats working thats a killer add to any basement growroom!

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Hey bud, my Go To is a Martian Cheetah and my backup is a Whisper Creek. I have some crossbows as well including a good Ten Points. I don’t want to clutter Johnny’s thread but if you like that game check out my arcade game thread. I have many games, all I rebuilt. Sorry @JohnnyPotseed , don’t mean to clutter your space brother.


The only consequences of stronger pot, that I have seen, is that I get to smoke less for the same effects. As far as tolerance goes, I plan to work at keeping that low as possible and still benefit from the medicinal properties it offers.

Edit: No success in bow hunting this morning. He’ll be around soon enough though. It’s called “hunting” and not “killing” for a reason. LOL


And at the end its called harvesting. AKA thinning the population.


Yes and Amen!

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Some do not realize that big game herds must be kept under control. Otherwise, the herd gets too large. So what, you say. Partly because the overall health of the herd declines. There is a bigger demand for food sources and not enuff wild food for larger herds, so the weaker will get sick and die from starving, on an extreme level.
But they put game limits for a reason. And i hope we have no spotlighters here.


I’m a meat hunter. Dad taught us boys to pay attention and select the genetics that continue in the local deer population just like you would with any other livestock. Also you don’t let the population out grow their food sources.
We were made stewards of this land, not owners. A thousand years from now nobody will even know I lived here and claimed “ownership” of it. But, hopefully, there will be another steward here.


Hey cuz lol you just chat away here as much as you want! I’ve said it often, I want folks to consider this a ‘watercooler’ type area


I never used dogs, i taught my boys to track and read sign etc complete woodscraftmanship 101 lol

We never took out the ‘trophy deer’ always only culled the weak injured etc


That’s the way brother. Weak in the pot, trophies left to carry on the line. The best trophy you can get is a really nice stew :slight_smile:


Your dad was a smart man there cuz!

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Most of the things I post come right from him. He truly was so much smarter than many knew. He kept to himself a lot. Like me I guess.

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I’m sorry folks lol I went on a hunt through the HDs here 5tB total and didn’t even scratch the surface of what’s in em. i know there’s pics of a bow or two we made and used to hunt with. But I’ll track em down eventually lol


lol I preferred over the open fire on a spit! But hey lol I ain’t one to turn down a good deer stew!

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Yeah, definitely. Stew is more for the marginal stuff and also great for getting some of the fat content. Prime meat is roasted, dried or smoked. Dam, now I am hungry.

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If it’s an older deer that just needed taken we leave it hang a few days (if the weather is right), then de-bone it and soak it in goat milk (we have plenty) for a few days in a fridge. Then it’s either ground or very slow cooked in beer and then packaged and frozen for later.
But as I said earlier I’m all about the meat. A two year old buck is my primary target. I’ve let some monster bucks walk past and just smile at them. There’s not much prettier sight than a non-typical monster strutting around the corner of a field with a bunch of does.