JohnnyPotseed’s Germination Technique

I’m a 3rd gen gorilla grower, born and raised on my grandfather’s marijuana farm. Him and my pop started teaching me at the ripe old age of 3-4… since I’d run alongside him in the rows of MJ wanting to ‘help’ lol They gave me a cut down garden hoe and the rest is, as they say, ‘history’!
He was born in 1876 and grew, smoked, sold until the day he passed at 92. My pop and uncle took over and I joined them on my return from Viet Nam in Dec. '68. they retired soon after and I took over. in the early '70s
I got this name in the early '70s when a group of friends were sitting around smoking our latest crop, one says ‘damn man, you’re like the Johnny Appleseed of weed…Johnny Potseed’! I liked it and kept it to this day.

And now, here I am…‘legit as it git’ !!