Jpr916 starting grow

I need to know…best indoor tent light led for a 2x4 flower area. To big money im not that guy. Strains ? Best under led? I like real short short veg lop sog style cool or thunder cola. Thanks family


It’s not LED, but 2 x 315 CMH units over a 2x4 would give you tons of light and produce plentiful yields of dense, smelly flowers. You could do 1 x 315 CMH over a 2x3 area to start with if cost is a concern. This hobby tends to pay for itself vs any other hobby, so don’t cheap out if you can help it. High quality LED seems to cost as much as the entry level CMH and I know for a fact CMH grows fantastic bud.

There’s literally a million options for seeds to start with; no such thing as one best strain. Are you in the USA? So many great seed bank options. Canada has plenty, Europe has plenty. I’d be happy to recommend seedbanks with high-quality inexpensive seeds.


For led your best bet is probably diy and you can find multiple threads on the bridgelux series as that’s popular. For seeds it’s about the grower. I’m sure I or many others could hook you up or you can go through a seed bank for which you can check out the trusted seed banks thread or Google and then compare to what people say on here.


You have many options for lighting.

DIY is a very good option.
CMH is another good option.

I run 300w LED in a 2x4 and it costs roughly $20 a month in power. 600w will cost double that. It’s a good idea to consider long term energy costs rather than just the cost of the fixture. This assumes my math is correct :slight_smile:

Seeds are a matter of personal preference. Grow what you like to smoke!



Diy is the route to go. Bridgelux strips or HLG quantum boards like their 120 or 132. Both are simple to put together. If you need shopping list for quantum boards let me know and I’ll help with what I can!


imo two CMH 315s would be too might light in a 2x4, almost 80 watts per square foot! altho i guess for HID lighting that might be normal

a mars hydro TS1000 is 150 watts for $129, so around 1 dollar per watt, and is nearly as efficient as quantum boards or other PCB options which generally cost $2 per watt or even more, so 2x TS1000 in a 2x4 would be great.

Migro on youtube runs tests on all the most popular LED brands so its worth checking his channel out to see if he’s tested any particular light you’re interested in

personally i’d order components directly from china and assemble my own light but it’s a little more difficult and requires a bit more effort


I grew some dang decent stuff under a mars hydro ts1000

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Why not led? How deep into canopy does light need to go and at what lightscale numbers. Im getting a light meter, whats best?. Thanks man

What? So new to this light style. Any help graet. Thanks

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Ignore the light readings unless you are getting a high end reader, if you are working with the lights suggested at 30-60w per sq ft with leds you have enough light and penetration. Start at 12 - 18 inches away or as per instructions and watch the plants for signs of stress, move it further away if they are unhappy and gradually closer if they are happy.

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I mean DIY LEDs.

I wouldn’t worry about a light meter quite yet. If you really want to understand which lights are best you want to learn about PPFD and PAR.

Shane on the Migro youtube channel can teach you these things as previously mentioned. It’s where i learned most of what I know about PAR. Take his word for it. He is why I decided in my mars tsl2000

All the best.

Go to order the 120 or 132 quantum boards. When you order it will tell you compatible drivers. Pick the biggest one you can afford and that’s it. Get some 18g wire and some wire nuts or wagos. Then you just cut and strip wires and plug it in.

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