Help me pick a light plis

so I want to grow (I can grow quite well I’ve grown for 5 years) but first off don’t have a lot of space and want to keep the grow quiet as all hell, as in I really don’t want LED lights, minimal smell too, and would prefer something like a 100 watt(ish) light. I don’t want to pay for alot of electricity and will be running autos (probably multiple small ones in small containers) supplied from a fellow OGer.

hit me with the knowledge young padawans

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is something like this viable? obviously I’d buy a couple

Everything else in your post makes me think you do want LEDs…


is there decent white LED setups or somethin? I don’t want my windows lit up in a different spectrum you know what I mean lol I’m in the ghetto right now

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There are a lot of small LED’s out there, and their light output is more along the lines of a standard color light. HPS bulbs give an unnatural orange appearance, and it’s pretty easy to tell with HPS bulbs that you’re growing, not lighting a room.


thank you for the input :metal::pray:

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umm we are way past blurples. lol

lots of good lighting companies out there. Depends on budget and what not.


my budget would be around 100$ I’d say, im srs just looking to get some smoke every now and then, don’t need quantity


Depending on your grow space, aspirations, and goals, dictate a lot. My 330 watt ChilLED light, runs nice and cool, grows spectacular plants, and has a natural looking spectrum. But it wasn’t inexpensive. There a ton of LED’s on Amazon that will suit what you want, you just have to put the time in to research what your actually buying, because some of them fudge #’s and can get you confused. Most China lights will say “1,000 watt” but actual wall output is only 150 watts, and not even close to what a 1k watt HPS would output.
There are lights available within your budget of $100, but don’t expect to grow any more than 1 plant under a $100 light.
You really need to get a game plan and figure everything out on paper, how many plants, what light, fans, timers, controllers, odor control, wiring, security


If you’re shooting for cheap and in that range I’d probably be looking at something like Viparspectras lights. You’re not going to cover much sqft with a $100 though so I hope your in like a 2x2 or 3x3 max.

I know @AzSeaindooin420 uses them maybe he can chime in.


Also, @Mr.Sparkle and @Not-Notjosh have really cool setups.


I have a vivosun vs1000 and got it for under $100 and I had picked up a viparspectra p2000 for around $140 both good lights and are natural looking however :thinking:

If you want no smell, you need a tent say. 2x4 and an exhaust system with a filter


I’ve got three of these, they’re about $85 after the coupon and discount code DRMJCOCOPRO

150w of even lighting over a 2x2 for some personal flower no problem


Cover your windows near your grow. So many options, posterboard, fabric, curtains, old clothes, trash bags, window tint, an old matress, black plastic sheeting, cardboard/newspaper(you said it is the ghetto anyways right :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) lol
As far as I know the light doesn’t really have a huge effect on smell, that would be more genetics related. A strain like the white is a good non offensive strain to look out for.

Others mentioned good, cheap light options which will probably go on sale for black friday coming up.
You can also look into changing your Retail Energy Provider if they’re shafting you on your electric rates. Though many areas don’t have that option or are on a co-op, idk where you’re at.

Most importantly, wheres the master kush at KushMeister? I’d love to grow that strain


I like the Bestva lights. Pretty cheap on amazon. The BP1000 pulls 100 -105 watts, has a dimmer, and is visually the “white” full spectrum @ $89. Runs pretty cool.

Just picked up another BP2000 this week, @ $110. Pulled 10 oz + in a 2x4 with one last run.


Thanks friend :grin:
SGL stuff is cool but it is not under $100 cool :dollar:

Their small panels themselves are fairly inexpensive at ~$35, but they run on a controller, and the bundle of all the stuff youd want to do it proper, plus shipping, plus tax, was way more like 300-400 (i forget exactly)

I saved up for it while debating whether i really wanted to start growing, and by the time i had enough, i knew the answer :potted_plant:

All that said - if you want to grow, have tiny space(s), and can swing it- an SGL kit from SuperGreenLab might be for you :star_struck:

In action:
3 panels in a tv stand

6 In a refrigerator

4 In a 2x2x3 tent (out of frame, but they’re up there :sunglasses:)


120w LM301h from kingbrite is $110 shipped.


If you search LED lights, there are many threads here


HLG is probably the best IMO there probably is more but that’s my preferred


ViparSpectra XS1500Pro is the current state of the art for small space lensed LED. At $85 That’s what I’d buy if I had the need. I have put almost three years on the previous version with zero complaints.

Here’s a well executed review: