Just got back my 1st soil test! Help Needed

Well, that looks familiar :wink:

Mine was pretty similar 2023 "Field of Dreams" - #114 by FieldEffect

I made a calculator and as suggested by anyone serious read Steve Solomon’s "The Intelligent Gardener

I spent a couple weeks reading and learning enough to make these changes 2023 "Field of Dreams" - #168 by FieldEffect (scroll down to post 170 for the spreadsheet)

Anyway, happy to help you out and send you my spreadsheet but can’t get into that until tomorrow morning when I get back home.

You can Google Steve Solomon soil test worksheets (they are free online) but there’s some values you’re going to need to derive from the MySoil test, like CEC. It’s not hard, but I got a little overwhelmed as you can read in my thread. Anyway, it’s not that bad.

I’ll get back at you tonight or tomorrow morning. The spreadsheet will help because you can see exactly how many PPM you will add. It’s going to be shockingly small quantities of the micros, grams.

Basically, my suggestion is:

  1. Figure out how to calculate your CEC (google is your friend)
  2. Complete Steve Solomon soil worksheet
  3. Calculate target values
  4. Decide on which amendments you want to use
  5. Finalize quantities and apply

CEC calculation requires the cation PPMs (K, Ca, Mg, Na - which you have) and pH.