or other Pre Made Mixes 🤔?

So I recently started listening to the Pot Cast. Which is great if you’re a nerd like me. So many cool back stories, bits of info, just anything cannabis. Love it.

But anyways they had the guy from Build a Soil on there and I’m intrigued by his product. He seems knowledgeable and genuine.

I used to use a premade organic amendment mix which I relied on for my grows.

But since I have been away I don’t think the company is around anymore. Which sucks… because it was so simple and my plants loved it.

I just combined it with some ewc into promix and after a month of cooking it was a true super soil. Just add water. However I did add ewc/molasses teas for that nice little boost…

I have a few options… I could build my own and individually buy amendments… which I will if nothing can compare in a premade mix…

But is there a solid, just add water, amendment mix on the market these days? Maybe from build a soil?

Lemme know what you guys have tried out there and what you liked the most :sunglasses::+1:!


Buildasoil has a few different soils ready to go. The 3.0 recipe is a water only soil, as it is super amended. They also have the light version so you can top dress or do teas as well. And then they have mixes based off of Coots’ recipe.

Nature’s Living Soil makes a super soil concentrate that I really like.


Thanks man. Have you tried the 3.0? That’s the one I was looking at obviously.

And I’ll look up some stuff the Natures living soil also I appreciate it :sunglasses::pray:.


I haven’t tried it. I’ve heard good things, but it’s expensive.


I use quite a few Build A Soil products, the Craft Blend is their all purpose amendment. The 3x3 bed grow I just finished up a bit ago in my no till diary, was pretty much done with just build a soil products for the most part.


Build a soil is good but pricey. EB Stone is pretty underrated imo. Or, just build a coot’s style mix yourself, especially if you have a good source of vermicompost locally.


Sweet I’ll check out your grow to see what products you used because they offer so many it’s overwhelming to be honest lol.

I shouldn’t need 35 products for my soil :neutral_face::joy:.

But I get it they’re running a business.

Mainly I just want an amendment mix to create the base soil. Then some stuff for teas. That’s really about all I think I would need to have an optimal grow.


Hmm I’ll check out EB stone as well then thank you :sunglasses::pray:! Some great recommendations guys thank you again.


I sent build a soil an email about the base necessities to have an optimal grow. Maybe should have just done that to begin with but :joy:.

I’ll update with what they say :nerd_face::+1:.


Have you watched the Build A Soil 10x10 season 1 and season 2 on youtube? If not you should, it is a fun and informative series, season 3 just started up recently.

And also they are usually very helpful when I have contacted them in the past. :+1:


Oh see that’s the stuff I need right there. Fuck yes :joy::ok_hand:! Ima definitely binge watch that… multiple times maybe :sunglasses::pray:!

I can already tell though… they’re gonna convince me to buy 59 different products :joy:. But yes I definitely will check this out thank you!


They do have a gazillion products haha. I run no till beds and top dress with craft blend and it works well for me.


I use a lot of their stuff to build my soils, then just amended them as I need. Their build a bloom is a nice product to use too.


You can use build a soil but i think it’s cheaper to make your own (if you’re not in a big city). I used coots recipe. I made 135 gallons of soil this month.


I’ve heard good things, I’m partial to this stuff though

gonna go back to just that instead switching to their bud and bloom at flower, had much better results doing it that way.


What about this?

Blazeoneups mix(modified by burnone)

1 x Bag of Ocean Forest

1 x Bag of Canna Coco

1 X Bag of Happy Frog

1/2 Bag Chunky Perlite

30# Earthwormcastings

6 cup pulverized dolomite lime 1-2 Cal/mag ratio

6 cups Bone Meal

3 cups Blood Meal

3 Cups Azomite

3 cups Greensand

3 cups Kelp Meal

Also FYI, these were fed 2-3 times in their life at a very low rate.

They got:

10mL of biothrive bloom twice, which is a very light feeding. So 20ml total

2.5mL of bio-bud 3 times, 7.5mL total

2.5mL of Floralicious Organic Bloom Enhancer 3 times, 7.5mL total

10mL of Diamond Black Humic Acids twice, 20mL total

5mL of Earthjuice Microbalst twice, 10mL total

7.5mL calmag+ each watering up until day 28, using RO water

Lots of Hi-Brix Mollasses @ 10mL/gallon

3-4 EWC teas


You would want to replace dolomite for oyster shell flour or garden lime Dolomite has the wrong ratio of calcium to magnesium for proper uptake for cannabis


You can do much better than using foxfarms stuff as your base imo


I make my own soil mix I use a modified coots mix it’s 50 percent peat moss 30 percent airation I use pumice but lava rock or even perlite can work in a pinch but the mix will have to replaced sooner as perlite it tends to float to the top and 20 percent quality compost I use homemade ewc but the best quality you can find the better I amend with crab kelp alfalfa fishbone meal at 1/2 cup per cubic foot I also amend with 1 cup per cubic foot of basalt glacial rock dust oyster shell flour and gypsum also a tsb of langbenite per cubic foot as well as a few scoops of my own mealworm farm insect frass for a sars response once a run I also add cal phos once per run for a slow calcium phosphorus amendment but want to be careful to not to overapply due to metal content watered with homegrown aloe and b.a.s dried coconut and bioag ful power once in awhile a compost tea and sst too


Some things you can add for diversity is greensand for silica and slow release calcium and some seabird guano during flowering

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You guys are wonderful I appreciate all the information.

Seems like coots mix is pretty popular.

I found this link… and it explains coots thoroughly with links to the buildasoil store for the supplies. Fucking awesome then. Might have found my no brainer mix.