Kandy Kush Grow log For the Auto flower Experiment

This is my first time doing this but think it will be fun
I planted this Kandy Kush seed i. Soil after 48 hours in water. I immediately had seed pop and started a nice 1" root tail.
That was 7/16/2023

It was put into soil 7/18/2023
.growing well…and should be fun
It was planted in a vase using a nice mix of soil…Mix i can share from my other growth logs.
Reason i picked this jar was to see the roots fill the glass container.
This specific strain creates nice crunchy buds and sense if in the right lights.
This round will be a test of an auto flower seed

Getting ready to enjoy the growth.
Whatever this products will be a great success if we get to flower stages


Gonna pull up a seat, if ya don’t mind. Love me some autos.
Wouldn’t you want to put that into another cup so light doesn’t hit the roots?

This one is all experimental…

Can be a good Factual thought…

But again…if this works…i will have a nice size table top plant…
With this comes learning and R&D…
If this works it would be like i see people pulling roots all the way out to grow around and object…

So Really trying to fill the vase with roots and produce as best of a flower that will come from this…
No heavy watering due to no real drainage…will have to keep an eye on the moisture and not allow any mold…or root rot…
The plant will grow…just wanna see how well…


Ohhh that’s its final pot!
I’ll bring my seat closer :+1:


Will be watching this one as really like autos! :v:


Pulling up a chair. Wishing you the best of luck and a bountiful harvest.



Crazy but its doing exactly as it has to go get happy


Watching this play out :eyes:. You sent me a pack of this I will run in the future.


Update to the Experience/Experimental seed
Kandy Kush don’t really care. just growing like it belongs there

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Any roots showing underneath?
Must be watering with a visine bottle

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roots havent made it yet outward to the edge of glass, but is growing well, i do one water bottle every two days, and soil is moist…nutes start next week…slow and sure…

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here is a nother part of the KANDY KUSH EXPERIMENT RUN…here is my greenhouse growing from the old school water towers, …full hydro, and wow . fully impressed

only using maybe 12-16 oz of water when i see the need so far…

Finally showing roots towards the outside of the glass
Getting tall and starting to stretch
Will try and grab some pictures when I get home

Failed experiment

Grew about 24”tall. Started to go into flower as planned. Then popped balls. Immediately started to die.

So I will say it can be done. Maybe not with an auto.

Will try more goofy stuff in the future

More testing with our friend KANDY KUSH


Using hydro rail system with main feed tub and hydro pump.

This will be full general hydroponics liquids so far for nutrients

This is 4 weeks in the hydro rail
This is a 60 hole rail system

90% are Kandy kush

We have three Godbud x Dreamweaver @JAWS
We have SMOREOZ cooking in there

Ad one other strain


Started seed for this one not too long ago


Dig your rail system!

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Dig this started all from seed 9/15/23

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