Karma System (aka pips) Explained

I have lost mine big time. The other day I didn’t have the dots I had a green bar.


I’m sure the system could be expanded a bit to allow for more pips / bars

Perhaps the top 100 could be the basis for the bar threshold

But what do I know haha I only have four pips :wink:

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I think that once you reach bar status you should be given a new car.

Seriously though, I don’t think it really matters. Bars, pips, however you want to do it is fine by me.

So where’s my car?


Sorry, my fault. I totally should have given you a heads up that I was gonna play around with the settings. Sorry for the confusion.


Why was i demoted again. I had a ton of pips. Then a bar i was good. Now thats been removed and i have less pips again. Instead of said bar. Really this whole format is annoying compared to the old one. Hard to navigate and to get used to after 4 years of using this site. Im not much of a fan nor can i use this site as much to the extent of where it was benificial, its now a guessing game on what and how to find things. Theres no new topics, besides what you may find searching. And all and all it just doesnt work for me. I dont know why the change or update was necessary besides benefits like speed what not. Its just way hard to navigate


On a phone if you hit the Overgrow logo near the top left it will take you to the recent post page like hitting the latest post button used to. Hope that helps some. It is confusing but I figure I’ll get used to this format eventually.


Its annoying to me. But ill get used to it. Not finding another great place like this ne time soon.


You’ve got 9 pips, next step is the bar, but you need 25 K likes to reach it. At your monthly rate (2.2 K) you will need a year to have it, I don’t see the point to this latest move … :expressionless:

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I dont understand either. Its kind of redundant and loses meaning. But it is such as it is.


This formula is a way to make sure that getting a very large number of likes doesn’t overly inflate someone’s Karma rating

Yeah, you’re frozen for a year… :sweat_smile:


Well, that’s a surprise, I guess I was demoted from Regular to Member without any notification!

No clue why, I’m on most every day and contributing whenever I have anything useful to say.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


You are Reg. Em. that means you are TL3…
:+1::wink:You took summer holidays…
So you slipped in the ranks…

Which reminds me, since when did we pay attention to such ‘twaddle’? Why are we spending time on an arbitrary ranking?

We got weed to grow!!



You are a regular and awesome member in my books. Don’t care what your profile says. :v:


Even in the work place your intitles to 28 days off a year without repercussions
: )
Had you went thru the proper Chanel’s and your leave was granted , the outcome may have been a lot different @GrouchyOldMan
Something to concider for next year


All this talk of pips and touching the pickle reminds me of this

I’ve been here 3 years.
I’ve never made it to "Regular "
I had a green bar… it disappeared :confused:
I had sponsorship in my title it went to supporter, but I’m still paying monthly. Umm??
See why I’m still confused…:woman_shrugging::thinking:
I sent a PM days ago. :woman_shrugging:


Can you change your title by clicking on your profile and then on settings @Bobgrows ? Its listed there under title.

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It doesn’t have sponsor.


I was afraid of that. Sorry, its all I got. The @moderators will have to sort that out for you.


I also “touched” the bar for a glimpse :roll_eyes:, you needed 30 K likes to reach it, now it “costs” more than 80 K… :sweat:

Apparently you don’t show in that group: