Keep or cut lame seedlings?

I always clone more than I need telling myself I’ll cull some. But I have a hard time culling when they look so good or if they need a little love. But is it a sacrifice that only keep the stronger ones so it doesn’t dud In the flower stall. I only have limited seating. But feel bad.



do what you have to, im also one to cull when needed, mind you others would comment i do it too often lol.


Well they might not have feelings so I think you’re safe. I think you answered your own question when you said seating is limited. By all means it is up to you how you use your space but if you are like most we want the most bang for the amount of space we have

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should give this book a read may change your perspective on “a plants feelings” :wink:


Okay maybe the plant does feel sadness if he decides to get rid of it. Still his space will dictate whether or not to keep plants or not…there i changed it to they might not have feelings


There’s a difference between clone and seedling. If it’s a seedling and you your not positive your other are female, don’t cull too early. If it’s clones, share or cull them if you don’t have space. Or veg til you have space for a monster plant/scrog


If you only have a few seeds and are bound and determined to find something out of a few, let em grow and see if they shake it off.

If you have plenty of seeds, cull anything weird. Let you pick only from strong plants.

I suffer from collectoritis. If something is weird in any way or I just don’t like the look of it for any reason, it gets culled. There’s 100 things right behind it itching for a chance at life haha. I always start more than I need and cull the stragglers/runts/mutants/weirdos/undesirable expressions.


I agree with this. I’ve had seedlings get stunted or just start slow that turned out to be the best of the bunch. To be fair I’ve also had them be mediocre and crap too. But with seedlings and early plant growth it’s hard to know much of what that plants potential is.

Now if it’s a clone then chances are it’s had time to mature and at that point if it’s easily stunted or having issues it’s probably not worth the headache.


Sorry…got my wording in the title wrong. What I meant was a rooted clone in “seedling” stage that’s struggling while her sisters are passing her up rooted at the same time.

But would also apply the seed sown “seedlings” that just aren’t healthy like the others.


Oh yeah if it’s a clone just chop it and move on.


Best outdoor I ever smoked was grown by a fellow with similar advice. He would plant 300 seeds and widdle his way down to 20 plants. He always told me the runts usually produce the best quality. But what he is referring to may be strain specific because those runts were the only ones he would keep or breed. And that smoke was killer AF. But he also did this for generations. Only person to ever give me 300 free seeds of their lifelong work for free. Poor germ rates I’m afriad had to of been the reason. I did get a few to pop but did not see anything worth keeping sadly.
Only way to know is to grow them fuckers out.


Keep the best, cull the rest!

If you aren’t selecting, you aren’t cultivating. You’re tending. Be merciless and cold-blooded in your selections if you want to improve your results. I aim for a 75% cull generally from seed. Runts? Gone. Stalled cuts? Gone. I don’t just want killer bud, I want LOTS of killer bud. Nothing magical about runts. Anything a runt can do, a robust seed start or cut can do better, faster and bigger… Peace -b420


Good advice. And I follow it to a point. But I’ll never sacrifice quality over yeild (only if the choice is available to make). I will cull the plants when I smoke the bud that the plants produced (I just save a clone or two before I flower to decide what to cull after harvest) unless it’s a male then I’ll do an earlier selection but it’s going to be at least old enough for me to sex the plants to make that call. I’ve got the time and space to see what everyones potential is usually. Now I do test overwatering, underwatering, wind burn heat stress, cold temps, high feeds, low feeds Ect and that at least naturally culls any weak seedlings/saplings out and based on that outcome I may completely discontinue growing those seeds. I figure if plants really do have some kind of consciousness then a natural culling may be less stressful for other stronger seedlings. Just some things I do to “select” if you can call it that.

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Keep the best cull the rest is a good motto if it is a strain you are familiar with. If not then you really have no idea what you may be culling without seeing it flower.
That being said most runts I have come across tend to not be worthwhile but I have had a few that ended up really shining during flower and smoking.

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