BOG Sour Strawberry - genetics or environment?

Got some SS graciously provided by @Mithridate, they are 28 days above ground. I’m growing in a new space, and I’m not sure if I’m just seeing the famous BOG fan leaves, or if I’ve got a lighting problem. Plants are healthy, but real squat. All of the SS are about 12” tall, but these fan leaf stems stick out about twice that distance. Not grown Bog before, but I need these plants to grow up instead of out. They are getting about 400 ppfd. Normal or?



That kind of thing happens with BOG, I once had a Sour Bubble that was 4” tall and 18” wide….


I agree with this. The spready leaf thing happens on bog strains sometimes, I just super crop the leaves if they are in the way;)


Oh you mean like this

Sour bubble

And very nice plants @Tripl3fastaction



Genetics. Especially common with BOG stuff


Nice :ok_hand:

Yes, the squat structure is common with sour strawberry, even the ones with good stretch usually veg in this fashion.

The long petioles pop up at random, I don’t mind them… seems to open up the structure a bit. Although they might use more floor space :grin:


Genetics for sure.
These plants were bred to do just what they are doing.
Much like the Deep chunk from @TomHill, Bog wanted stealthy plants, short and stocky.
Short and stocky plants need the longer stems to get more light without molding up on you.


Yeah, I know. This was a fresh startup from seed, so I’ve been reluctant to cull because I don’t know who is a she yet.
Plus, like most growers, I just hate putting any of them down. I’m going to have to soon though. Thanks again!


Why the cull?


Funnily enough I selected away from the sour bubble leaners and toward the strawberry kush phenos, which grow squat in veg but can triple in size during stretch.

This wasn’t a preservation per se, more like me selecting for what I needed for a strawberry hashplant cross, and as always I made enough seeds for the whole town.

Just so happens I found my keeper in the f2, still made f3 because stock was running low :grin:

Also, that very keeper, survived a border crossing into the states and is being nursed as we speak. :ok_hand:


Space, plant count, grow for myself only. But I am thinking of setting a male aside in another area for maybe some seeds if I get a good one. There’s a couple Bogbubble in there with nice structure.

Ah, sad. I’ve only ever culled extreme runts and males. Feel like I’m wasting magic (and money) and it hurts.

Do you just let them get to a few weeks in veg to judge before culling?


I usually have a separate area going and I can let them go long enough to sex them before moving to this tent. But I didn’t have that luxury this time.

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