What are you thoughts about Mutant phenos? Has there ever been a time when you were glad you kept one?
running @WoodstockFarmacy AG and out of the 4 I have they all have the same growth structure besides one that is just half the size. It looks healthy just super tiny.
Wondering if I should just kill it as I’m limited on space. Just so hard to do it as it could be “the keeper”.
I actually just shared this with another person on a different thread but here is mine. I kept it since I have plenty of space and since it was my first genetic abnormality I wanted to watch and learn from it. (First photo is it at 7 days 2nd at 18 days) the leaves wrinkled and twisted 180 degrees starting as soon as it popped soil. Very very slow growth. Itgrew 6 leaves from the third node and just stopped for a week. I transplanted into 5g and started to feed it a little and it has new growth now but still a little freaky and way behind identical sister plant. Last photo is at 25 days and next to its sister plant. They popped soil one day apart.
The leaves looked like they had been folded up and down the whole length like a staircase only closer together, like an accordian bellows, so they were less than half the normal length. I will see if I can find a pic.
Definitely not for breeding…just personal smoke. looking for find my keeper so to speak. given that i do not have much room and it’s AG, maybe a smaller growing pheno might not be so bad especially if it produces something unique…
curious about experiences when you were glad you kept a slow starter.