KO my Spider Mites

Praying mantis and lady bugs are a natural defense like some flowers and herbs .


I used to grow garlic in my with photo plants,old school grower I know said the garlic will keep most
Pests away you just throw the garlic away with the soil once the plant is harvested

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It works. Really really well.

Careful, the organic boiz will look down their nose at you lol.


Iā€™m aware. I grow exclusively in hempies, and have for years.

Usually people donā€™t get mites from bagged potting soil. Usually, they bring them in on infected cuttings or from outside plants. Fungus gnats are airborne and will find their way to wet media even with perlite and vermiculite. Speaking from actual experience.


never got a mite from pro-mix but a clone from a friendā€¦:frowning:


Got thrips by bringing back clones without being vigilant, been fighting fungus gnats for years. They come, they go. Never had to fight mites :crossed_fingers:


and may you never have to :frowning: no fun

biggest thing to remember is make your plants strong and you grow environment unfriendly

to them and they will go away

be safe and grow well



These are autos, so no cloning. The soil is a mixture of sphagnum moss, vermiculite, perlite and manure compost. Going to do a deep clean soon!


The craziest spider mite story I have is this:
One day I noticed a spider mite crawling on an origami I had on the window ledge. I was like whaaaa they canā€™t live on paper! So I got out the magnifying glass and traced the mite back to some squash that were stored in a drawer just under the window. They were living and surviving on the stem of the squash! crazy. New protocol is when we harvest vegetables you wash them and then store em heh heh. havenā€™t had an origami spider mite problem since.


100% , I personally have only seen spider mites make their way into grows via cuttings/clones from another persons grow space.

Also 100% , Where I live Fungus Gnats are a way of life. I have a system which keeps them from populating/breeding in my pots. However, I often see 1 adult Fungus Gnat flying about on its own in my room. After much running around and making sure there is no stagnant water anywhere and no decaying material etc I eventually realised they are constantly finding their way into the room. They have a keen sense of smell for anything organic.


I have no vegetables in my bathroom, but I do wash my vegetables when I shower! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl: who can name that show?


Yeah, my space is an unattached outbuilding, if its not freezing outside I see bugs.

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Winner, winner chicken dinner!

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Organic guy I follow on IG wraps his pots in big burlap mesh bags, think 5 gallon paint strainer bags, and ties them around the stem, so the pot can breathe and he can water but the gnats canā€™t fly in and out.


Smart, I am going to use this after moving plants out, chop them, Pyrethrum TR to fog the room.
How to do mix your Avid?

The gnats are coming from the soil and the mites are in the plants?

I might look into doing this on my mother plants. Ta!

Mites feed and live on the plant, though the soil could have some mites, I suppose, but when they feed on a plant treated with systemic pesticide, theyā€™ll die. Fungus gnats live in the soil and the larvae eat plant roots and organic matter.

Personally Iā€™d skip the fogging. Iā€™ve had almost no luck with any insect with foggers. Mites, roaches, fleas, you name it. It just doesnā€™t work well.

For Avid, 2mL/gallon. The Avid should kill the gnats, too.


Diatomaceous earth is my new favorite pest preventative. It kills pests in the most inhumane way possible.

Never tried it in the past because Iā€™ve mostly grown in rdwc but was amazed at how well it worked.


Spider mites come into the garden a few ways. First and most likely is they are brought in on a plant or cutting. Second is a domestic animal like a dog or cat. Third is on a person. If you mowed your lawn , worked in the yard etc, you could carry them in. Most are easy to conquer. The mistake most growers make is not following a schedule. Every few days for two weeks. This gets eggs that have hatched and breaks their cycle of life.