Gonna start them under cfls and hopefully have my led built by the time they are ready to flower. I have some more vermicompost on the way for new pots gonna fill 6 20 gallons if i can afford it after the extra cobs. If not ill just fill em half way! Puff on guys!
It is probably damping off. I have that happen on occasion with homemade soil. Sterile substrate will stop it, but i don’t bother sometimes and take the loss when it happens. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74132.html
Sterile substrate sounds like asking for problemsXD unless im growing some mushrooms;) hahahaha ive never have damping off before but thats what i assumed right away.
I’ve been there, dude. I’ve been there. There were three cats where I lived when I first grew, one of which somehow climbed over the roof and through and open window to get to my plants – none were murdered, but a few got a good chewing.
Also, my childhood cat once ate a broken-up bud when my brother and I stepped out of the room. We both felt pretty bad about it, but she seemed pretty okay afterwards. She was a good kitty
I’m sure it’ll recover soon, looks like a vigorous little beast.