KO my Spider Mites

So I am on the tail end of this grow and I have been tackling a spider mite issue. Twice now I have released lady bugs to address the problem and they have beat back the pests.
Before starting another grow I want to get rid of the mites. I considered using a bug bomb, the one you place on the floor on paper and leave. The space is 4’x8’x12’ and sealed.
If the bomb is not suggested what can I do to the room and also treat the soil, as I generally reuse my soil.
Thanks in advance! :v:


You could try spraying pymethrin, I use it for all sorts of pests . Idk about using it on soil but spraying or wiping the tent down would be fine .

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I sprayed everything with a bleach soap diluted in water and then cleaned thoroughly with a steam machine, boiled those bastards and their eggs, no notice from them since ejem|nullxnull, good luck with it … beer3|nullxnull


as long as there is nothing growing in there, you can just sweep and mop the bugs are fucked. On their own, they can’t make it very far without the plant.


oh shit, well I better paint a better picture than that. Imagine this, if you will:
Spider mites are everywhere. Webbing up over the colas, they have been living for about a year now, slowly colonizing everything.
I started in the bloom room. Cut it all down. Started the clean up, by tossing out all plant material that was in the bloom room. Once I had swept and mopped, I washed and scrubbed a rubbermaid.I went into the veg room and took clones from mite infested crap, and cleaned them off real good. Moved those clones into the rubbermaid in the bloom room, turned it to veg cycle.
Then I went over to the veg room and cut everything down. Tossed out everything and picked up all garbage. Swept and mopped.
In a single day, I had just used my cleaning skills to terminate the infestation for good.


I do a thorough wash down with soap and water with a splash of bleach.Then I spray and wipe everything with Lysol. I would be cautious about reusing the soil whatever is in there now will still be there on the next grow. I believe mites can and do live in soil.


I second the tossing of the soil .


I use this and it works…gotta spray every 3 days …


Thanks for the replies, I failed to mention this is setup in a spare bathroom with tile floors. Once done I will remove everything, vacuum, mop spray the floors and walls, throw out the soil and start new.
I top water my plants, what can I add to the new soil to prevent these and other parasites from getting a foot hold?


Why don’t you try soil-less hempy buckets? That would keep them away … beer3|nullxnull


@George1961 Not true, you can get bugs in those same as any system. I know from experience.

@Tejas dozens of highly effective acaricides available on the market. You wouldn’t even have to start over. The info is there and my PM box is open. I’m just not interested in another “pEsTiCiDeS bAd” dumpster fire.


Try SNS 209, All natural, sierranaturalscience.com Good Luck, Bro, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


But not those that come directly in the soil bags, a mix of perlite and vermiculite works great … :expressionless:


Neem meal is said to repel them. I also try to keep rosemary growing in the cabinet. A week or two of no plants would not hurt. A two week absence and should be mite free.

If you have infected plants they would have eggs in them and in the cuttings you might take. They will return unless you have a pest management program.


But vernal…pesticides are bad



What about floramite? Yea it’s a Chem but it does the job. Years ago when I was growing outdoor I had brought them to my indoor. Can’t use them on flowering buds tho. I gave all my plants a dunk a week or 2 before flowering and that was it. I also bleached the room. Worked great. Them bastards never came back.
Edit: I wanna add that before the floramite I had battled those spawns of Satan for months. I used organicide which smells horribly of fish and ruined a crop but didn’t kill them. I also used need oil with some dawn dish soap to act as a sticker/spreader and both only kept them at bay for a couple days.


Are spider mites an outdoor thing or can you get them indoor grow as well
I had thrips once soapy water fixed that

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Oh yeah, :crossed_fingers:I never get them. They can be a never ending battle for some people

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You can definitely get them indoor also.


I know nothing about them they come from dirty soil
People seem to be using praying mantis on other forums for pests

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