Land of the lost beans

Ok, so they’re not lost, but I didn’t write down who or where they came from… I’ve noticed we have some pretty good strain and breeder detectives around here, so hopefully someone can help out.

Anyone recognize this writing or packaging?

Feel free to post any unknown packs of your own in here✌️



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It’s possible, and I know farmer Joe, but they didn’t come directly from him. Also, I think the Sunshine 4 cross is from someone different.

Do you know if he made NL1 crosses?


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I just Googled super skunk f4

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This was a great idea for a thread 🪡 to help identify them beans 🫘 that come with no information! :wink::ok_hand::+1::face_with_monocle::facepunch::sunglasses::v:


Did the come in a shipping package, i see no stamps… :slightly_frowning_face:
It might show the city, country it came from… :smiley:

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No, but go ahead and send them to me and I’ll let you know how it goes. :rofl:

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I think we’ve solved the mystery of the NL1 crosses. I received these in two trades and maybe a direct order from Joe, but I swear I’ve only ever taken in clones from him directly.

The Sunshine 4 x Deep Chunk is still a mystery

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Thanks, don’t belong to Reddit and it wouldn’t let me view, but I’m guess that solves it for all the NL1

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Anyone recognize the silver packs. Someone kindly sent them to me, I ran a pack, and then forgot to mark who made them. Then I smoked some weed and time passed, the. I smoked some more, and then I stopped hanging on discord… :joy:

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