Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Nice! Have you had it before? Nice and smelly?


No but I promised to help cure the monster, got a feeling Iā€™ll be in trim HELL for a bit. I will get first taste though!!..:metal::sunglasses:


It will be worth itšŸ˜. Ooooohhhh, that scissor hash!


That whole post, great info! Iā€™ve wondered if some of the old Colombian lines werenā€™t hybrids, always. Like, Colombian Gold, for instance. The reason it seems to have disappeared. Tho not entirely. And it would now be an old inbred line, and wouldnā€™t have that crazy potency that a fresh hybrid would. An F1 I mean.


Here is the description from where I got mine:

The seeds were given to me by Lalaā€™s friend Farouk over the last 40 years. He had collected them in a small village behind his aunt and uncleā€™s house. Lala has smoked the hash from the village a couple of times, and it hits hard. There might be a hint of some indian sativa in these but weā€™re not sure. When Farouk asked his uncle he just says, that they sow, harvest and smoke. He has his stash in his backyard and thats all that counts for him.

I could be wrong because the way that is written is not the most clear but it seems like whoever Faroukā€™s aunt and uncle are have been growing this strain for quite awhile.

I grew out Lalaā€™s hybrid with these aunt of farouk x sensi star and the one female I had at the time smelled of blueberry muffins was delicious.


Hola Gang

I just check my AOF OD

and got at least a female

and a male.

So hope is permit



Excellent! They look like beautiful plants.lots of resin and even ā€œtacoā€ leaves all encrusted around the edges. How many are you running?

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Hola Gang

Only 3 so 1 fem and 2 male

I was told that the germ rate

was low on that batch and

it was true.



respect to you brother. true


AOF is from Derg Corra, TLT bought seeds from them, then posted on IG without giving any credit to Derg Corra. They also approached me, they asked me if I wanted to exchange seeds, I told them I had no interest in selling or exchanging seeds with them.


Thatā€™s messed up they gave no credit. I wonder how many others they have done that to? Iā€™m sure Derg Corra collective is cheaper too, so they didnt mention where they got it, as Derg Corra still Carrieā€™s it. Do you know how many seeds they purchased and if Derg Corra knew who they were selling to?


150 seeds.Itā€™s funny because without giving the credits, but it uses the same description that Derg Corra uses. After many cultivators chided him for giving at least one mention to his original breeder, he then edited his description.


Stand-up choice, indeed!!! Some just chase the $$$'s, cutting corners, disrespecting the game. I pledge ZERO interest in their activities. Again, Bravo to you!!! Stay safe/be well.


I donā€™t speak English, I use Google Translate. I must clarify that I do not sell or have a seed company since they have consulted me. The TLT guy contacted me on my instagram where I upload photos of my crops.


Whatā€™s yr ig address? Love to see the pictures.


So, a small update on the Afropips Malawi. Thursday is the end of week 12. It will go 2 weeks more easily, probably 3 weeks for 3 of them( 15 weeks) The 4th one will go the full 16 weeks I think. I could be up to a week off of my estimates. Looks legit.
Cabeca de Negroā€¦ picked the pole phenos day 77-80. One branchy pheno day 80. 3 others have 2 weeks or more to go.
Cannabiogen ā€œDurbanā€ā€¦see Lefthand for real Durban.:rage: cannabiogen have ruined theirs.




hi yaxu, Iā€™m a new guy on the forum here but looking at all your posts, youā€™re pretty legit man, and I respect what youā€™re doing. I sent you an IG request just now if youā€™d allow me to follow you and view your beauties.


Whatā€™s happened with the Cannabiogen Durban? I used a male from theirs to make mine, but from a few years ago.


They have further selected towards fast flowering traits, or I dealt with somebody that wasnā€™t cannabiogen. First one was finished in 53 days. The stigmas had fallen off already at that point but I let it go another week anyway just to be sure it could really be finished so soon. Small resin heads, small leaves, no anise smell, no citrus, didnā€™t even stretch two xā€™s during flower, although I up potted quicker than any other variety. The other three are done producing stigmas, and will be done shortly. 2 at 9 weeks, and possibly one will go the full 10. The description said 10 to 14 weeks . I feel like an idiot for carrying those plants in and out all summer. It would have finished just fine without my help. I feel itā€™s the same with Ace seeds. You have to catch their land races early before they select too far towards the Indica side. Thatā€™s why yours was so much nicer. You caught their landrace before the selections . I remember the pictures of your cannabiogen Durban, and there just isnā€™t any comparison to mine. It doesnā€™t even look like the same strain. I wish I had known about your Durban before I spent almost five hundred bucks on cannabiogenā€™s. Had I known, I hope you know I would have tried yours first.
The thing with Durban, from what I understand anyway, is that a short bushy phenotype does exist within the landrace. Thatā€™s the phenotype( indica)that was introduced to an existing Durban land race in my opinion, making what we know as Durban poison. Whether it happened in the sixties or 70s, or even as far back as the 1200ā€™s, thatā€™s what made Durban Poison so potent. It was a hybrid. Now in their fourth year of selections, I believe they have bottlenecked their genetics in search of an indoor phenotype, the short bushy one. Which I would have no problem with had it carried the traits Durban is supposed to have . Large resin glands, anise or licorice smell, large leaves, sativa stretch. We can blame the lack of stretching on me for this one , but I up potted with plenty of time for them to have stretched quite a bit. They really didnā€™t grow much at all in flower. Annnndā€¦I had only 50% of the seeds germinate, and of those, 2 out of 6 were mutants. The smoke report remains. I hope it at least has the Speedy Buzz I was looking for. But I donā€™t have my hopes high for that one. Smells like one of my old Afghani phenos.
I think you did a much better job with your Triple- Durban, shortening the flowering time, while retaining all the essence of what the pure landrace is supposed to be. You can read @Instg8ters descriptions of yours in the thread, and have an old book describing Durban in the other hand, and everything matches up. Excellent work my friend. How do I get some of your seeds? I want to try them next summer.