Las Vegas Hard Water

Sounds good. Im going to check mine again tonight just to make sure. So many numbers in my head since starting growing back in April. Pretty sure my PPMs with RO water are around 70 ppm. I’ll check the tap water again. Its either in the 300s or 400s running cold water.


No citation, I don’t even remember where I heard it from. Here’s an article describing why it happens: click here.

No studies on if this effect worsens the harsher the water used for feeding is.

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Just checked my ppms
And the hose filter does not drop ppms at all.

I’m testing this grow out to see if there’s a difference and honestly I really haven’t ran across any yet .
Just took these pics.
I think I’m going to flip this weekend.
But here they are at 430 ppms and using only water straight from the hose with filter at the end.


They look great. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Ty @ColeLennon
Much appreciated.
So far very happy with the outcome.

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The article has nothing about extra metals due to hard water. All about vegetables naturally high in metals like iron.

I would be very suspect of microwaving your plant proving anything definitive about your water with the info ive seen. At best what we have here so far is second hand anecdotal correlation. The foundations of bro-science.

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So I decided to make sure my numbers were correct last night, as my 55 year old THC-infused brain isn’t what it used to be. Good thing I double-checked.

Cold water from tap is 487ppm. Fucking nasty…

PPM in my Octopot is 336. Going to raise it next feeding. PPM of my RO water measured 50ppm last night. Didnt get a photo of that.

EC Shows 658. Is that right?

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Hey Toker!
Thats looking really good!

So, I confirmed last night the water from my tap is 487ppm.

You are growing yours with straight-up Las Vegas tap water? Just this grow?
What kind of nutrients are you using? And what PPMs are you at after adding your nutes?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is pretty important stuff, lol.

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Those numbers are nothing, u should see the ppm here in az @Rhai88 can def show u some rediculous readings only being a couple hours south of vegas. I water my plants every morning straight from the hose and haven’t had any issues running soil organics. Rhai got himself an ro system for his grows now but running synthetics where it’s likely more critical, would be a great addition of input for this thread


Hold my beer… :laughing:

RO readings.

Tap readings.


At 9 am? Someone’s a raging alcohol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy::rofl:


Hey man when you have split days off and work retail…

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Hahahaha breakfast of champs! I might have gone the bloody Mary or mimosa route personally haha

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Ok. I bow to the master.

1694ppm is insane.


Fellow Athena user! I’m currently using their pro line.

This is good to filter out some of the bullshit in your water but your PPMs will still stay where they are unfortunately. The only way is to RO.

Edit: I seen you mentioned this haha I’ve been there done that… Water is quite the issue for me locally.

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Whats your PPM there? I was in Phoenix for years.
I dont run organic and probably wont for a while. But its on my radar at some point. Its only my second ever grow right now.
Im using Athena Blended. So its synthetic for sure.


Yeah I’ve been meaning to get water sent in to a lab for testing locally but funds are 100% going into my grow currently. I will down the road send in a water sample to a lab to see what exactly is going on here as I DO NOT TRUST my local water reports what so ever. I’m sure the city pays these dudes off to tell us our water is safe but going months without a water softener in the last 6 months was murder on our skin so I’m fairly certain the results will show our water is completely shit.


Which is crazy to me cuz I’ve never tested or filtered for my grows. Just dump it on, readings are prob close to @Rhai88 since im only about 45 min drive from him in the same area. Really suspect it’s just the difference of full control synthetics and self buffering organics.
Safe to say I’ve never had a calcium deficiency but prob cuz there’s a bunch in our water


oh I’m sure of this as even with my water softener turned up to full we still get calcium deposits on the sinks and faucets.