Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

Been looking for this one recently and kept seeing red hardcovers and kept wondering why the one I saw here in this thread was a different color. You got one with a dust jacket! That’s so rad! This is such a treasure trove of a resource, this thread you started. Thank you for your contributions. Much love


Club Quadrant Kosher Daddy Regular F-1 collectors card.
Cannabis Collectors Limited Edition 2021
75 cards printed, created by @CADMAN , thanks buddy :pray:


Something cool I picked up a few weeks ago.

Can only find one similar for a eye watering amount… I believe it to be Moroccan. But a friend who is really into ceramics says it’s Algerian and from the 50s( due to letters and feel of the glaze)

So it’s either a tourist piece from the 60/70/80s from Morocco, which seems likely as they were firmly on the hippy trail and mainly for Thier hash!
Or it’s from Algeria and would have been in an apothecary/pharmacy!

Either way I love it and the seller had it on a shelf for 20 years and said I was the first person to ask about it and practically gave it away!

Stinks of hash when you open it still!

Thumb for scale… Not because I’m bad at photography. Ha ha ha


Ooooh! That’s beautiful dude, nice score!:+1:

A couple of my favourites that I still have, sadly I lost most of my collection of old grow books when the grow I was running in BC was busted while I was out of town…

Pot Art by “stone mountain” published in 1970 which is an anthology of articles/art from the Times collected together.

Amazing Dope Tales & Haight Street Flashbacks by Stephen Gasking is an anthology of people’s experiences tripping in the 60/70’s published in 1980.

Romancing Mary Jane; a year in the life of a failed marijuana grower by Michael Poole is only from '98 but I included it as it’s a marvelous book that really captures the reality of growing in the 90’s in Canada, how the paranoia of being busted affected families, an interview with the creator of Mighty Mite, etc. It’s not too hard to find copies and I highly recommend it for people who collect stories of the counter culture like I do. If nothing else it’s funny reading how the director of “the beachcombers” (which any Canucks old enough will remember) which he describes as the lowest point in his career, before switching to the “healthy” profession of growing pot.

I don’t often get to share a pic of my 1946-50 pack of zig zags but I figure if anyone will appreciate them they’d be on this thread.


Very cool stuff…. That pack of Zigzags is too cool!:sunglasses:



i got these old,czech Postcards “Secret Himalaya” from back then in the 90´s…

…it´s a 8-Card-Set,but sadly i just got these 3 Cards

and this 20yrs old Calendar…


I really like those postcards.

I’m very lucky to have had a friend who travelled on the hippy trail several times in the 60/70s who gave me an original of that hash shop calendar… Literally have a photo of him in the shop with the poster/ calendar being given to him. Apparently he was quite the character back in the day… He was mentioned in all kinds of books(BIT guide)for giving people things/saving people from marauding Iranian pirates etc etc!

Gone but not forgotten… Bob/ tall steve/English Steven.

He probably had other names to escape some of the mad things that happened back then!


Love this book… Quite hard to find a good condition copy now as it’s so good people just thumb it to death if you put it on a coffee table!


Sorry, I passed out last night…. I’m gonna dig those Cannabible’s out of the collection this morning and post some pics and stuff when I get home from work later today :sunglasses:


this is the overpond edition :grinning:


When looking for books to add to the collection I’ve actually considered learning German so I could enjoy so many of these great books! Love the hardcover edition. Thank you for sharing it’s a treat to see them! Much love



like to know,if there other euro-speaking editions around…french,italian,…??

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Nice! Is that a normal hardcover book? :wink:

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500 posts…… :sunglasses::+1:


ja,i think so :slightly_smiling_face:

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Those are both GREAT books :blush:

Oh,Vielen Dank! it´s a difficult language to learn ,but it´s worth it …
