Let's all show our appreciation for Lemonade Joe and all the staff for the 420 event

This is my first 420 here, and I do have to say Lemonade Joe and staff have really pulled off the most exciting week! Thank you as well to all the sponsors!!

This is a really special place, and I have found myself amongst alot of strangers who I also call my friends! Very cool that we are all brought together by this wonderful plant!!

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Awesome job Joe, this was a huge thing to do, thank you and the sponsors for this event. Very neat. Can’t wait for it to go down.


A big Thank you to the OG Sponsors, lemonade Joe, Northern_loki and the entire OG staff for making this 4/20 event happen. (Sorry I don’t know all of your names)

I know many of you are behind the scenes working your tails off to make this place what it is. I am relatively new here but as you can see by my avg time online per day I have been here quite a bit lately and it is all thanks to your hard work.

Thanks everyone,


Thank you Joe and the OG team for an amazing event for the community!
Thanks to all the OGs that make this place what it is!

Love you all

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Very grateful for this place before the big give away. Now I am overflowing with gratitude, thanks to lemonade Joe, mods, sponsors and every one of you OGs that make this place so frickin amazing!

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Gracias to everyone for making OG what it is

Thank you to everyone involved!


Thank you @LemonadeJoe for everything you did to pull this together. You’ve done an outstanding job!

For sure, big thanks to all the people who made this happen, it must be a lot of work.

This site is a real find. I have enjoyed the last month or so getting to know everyone here. I’m blown away by the generosity, and good spirit that has been on display, not just this week but each week I have been here. Its a treat to connect with other like minded folks who share the same hobby and we have you to thank Joe!


Best grow site on the planet :slight_smile:


ToastyJakes has a secret agenda that will be exposed in due course.

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Toasty yea!!! Lol. The man said plzzzzz no tagging. Lol Joe must be up. Lol I definitely turn my notifications off!!! Lol

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And today’s secret password is:… Boron
:rofl: :+1:



Thank you LemonadeJoe, OG Staff/Mods, and of course the sponsors!

Really appreciate all the hard work you guys put into this community!

Shout out to Northern_Loki as well. I see you all over OG :muscle:

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Thanks LJ for all you do and the staff


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no tags :joy:

i didnt take part of the event, but it looked really nice! congratulations to all the staff members and LemonadeJoe :slight_smile:

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Around here bro there is plenty to go around. It’s like a birthday party to me. I enjoy seeing my family get gifts. It’s not to late I’m sure.

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Very cool event! My sincere appreciation goes out to all of the Sponsors, and of course @LemonadeJoe for making it all happen, and giving us such a cool place to hang out and learn.

Much love to everyone involved in not only this but the entirety of OG , EVERY SINGLE FACET! I absolutely love this place and am constantly bringing in others because it’s completely unique imo. Truly a great place to be and wholeheartedly where I call home . Thank you @LemonadeJoe snd the @TeamOG and the @moderators much love and respect and many many thanks :pray:t2: