Lets play chess - Welcome to the Shack

I wasnt sure how to start this thread out so I just started typing… Here is the result of my shenanigans.

Basic Information:

The Board
For each game we will follow the notation convention know as algebraic notation, which uses a single letter and number to name each square and a letter for each chess piece.

The numbering and lettering of the chess board is oriented to the position of the player who will use the white pieces and looks like the below image:
These letters are always lowercase.

The pieces
Chess Piece Notation is always CAPITAL and is as follows:

Piece Notation
King K
Queen Q
Bishop B
Knight N (because K is already taken)
Rook R
Pawn [No notation]

Game Play:

At the start of a new game the person playing as white goes first. To make a move you would state what piece and where your move is made.


Lets assume you are playing as white and you have decided you will start by moving your pawn that is in front of you Queen(Q).

In order to make this move you will start with the letter of the column you are in “e” followed by the number of the row you are moving too “4”
Pawn to e4
Now as i said with pawns you don’t need to state its a pawn since its implied . To make the move just use e4 instead

Now for a named piece:

Lets move our kNight out in front of our Bishop. Notation would be N for the knight and b1 is the location to start, f3 is the destination.
This move would look like this: Nf3.

Each person takes a turn and the whole turn would be noted as White : Black


Using our kNight as white with black following up in a mirrored fashion. In our notation we have

Nf3 : Nc6

Lets put it all together and make a couple moves for each player: we will play the same moves for Black as we will for White.
Pawn from in front of Queen and then our kNight in front of our Bishop all on the left side

e4 : e5

Nf3 : Nc6

I hope this is a decent explanation of what goes on in any given game. Let me know if there is anything i need to clarify and ill be happy to try and help.

Here is a template for each game and the layout for reference. ![](upload://nmiYEs3zFqVrPKvlzANx8k0wDf5.jpeg)
White Black
First Move White First Move Black
Second Move White Second Move Black
Continued… Continued…

So who wants to play a game of chess at the shack.


Sorry bud but this would be to painful for me. They have great apps for this. Good luck, I am sure someone will want to give it a try.


Is this like the time i had an idea for a personal chef that just traveled with you so you could get food at any hour of the night… then realized i was trying to invent fast food.

Damn It is isnt it… :face_vomiting:


I just wanted to get you all to listen to that song… right… thats it. yeah


It’s all good bud. Personally I would just find it way too slow but heck, folks have played long distance chess by mail.


I once wasted a fortune on xpresspost in a game of speed chess.

Lost to a four move checkmate before the last letter had even arrived :worried:


Haven’t watched the video butt… I do love to play chess!
Pawn 2a : 4a :sunglasses: Did I do that right @Ris


Watched the video, feeling smooth. Downloaded template to keep track of moves.

So that would be white moving a piece then Black so a full round. Remember with pawns you just say where it ends

so a4 is your move, ill mirror that by playing a5 this whole turn looks like this
You. Me
a2 : a5

and its back to you


b2 : b3
Smacks timer at the shack!
Your move


First move Helio playing white
Ris Playing Black
Helio a2 : a5 Ris
Helio b3 : Nf6 Rix
Helio : Ris



Move Rb1 : Ra3

The board you posted is incorrect b2 : b3

oops, shit my bad One second

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Between turns… is it ok to posts pictures relevant to the shack?


Of course, its our shack. those are some dope knights.

This can be played slow, fast or whatever as long as we know where the pieces are were good

This whole idea came up because i was wondering how high i could be and not be totally trash at this then i found the weed chess set and im hooked back in lol


Move Na1 : c3


Been playing chess my whole life, started with grandfather. He would tell me stories about his life and I would learn and listen all afternoon. Now when I play chess I think of the stories and enter the battle field of strategy.


thats dope man. i’m over here struggling to keep my pieces the same size and you custom design your own lol :rofl:

Great im playing against a real chess master. @shag i found the one! lol

Nb1 to Nc3 correct?

ill go pawn b6