Dungeons and Dab-rigs: Table Top RPG, Board Games, and more

Any interest in a thread about games of all walks not sport-related? Got some dusty dodecahedrons laying around near the stash?
I’ve been playing RPGs most of my life, with Dungeons and Dragons taking up most of that space, though I played quite a bit of World of Darkness games, too. When D&D hit the new surge of players it has, @JustTieflingThings and I were lucky enough to both get games running, and though both fizzled, it left her with a hell of a love for the hobby.
Most recently, we’ve dabbled a bit in one-on-one games, but I certainly wish there were more time for those stories.

Share your favorite games, group-stories, hilarious misadventures, or elsewise! Maybe we can get a group going, OG weed-nerd style.

Here’s to natural 20’s. :dagger: :mage:
Stay up


@tresbundles - Let’s see if it gets traction.
Stay up

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Hell yeah! I’m replying even before I’ve read the first post! I’m definitely down for some good old fashioned D&D talk.


Here’s some of our current collection. There’s so much more. hahaha. Some we haven’t played, for sure.
Stay up


Nice collection for sure, man! Nice 3rd edition Forgotten Realms Campaign guide! I wish I didn’t sell my 3 and 3.5 books. I loved that edition if you kept it to only a few books…could get bloated. :joy: I’ll have to gather my stuff up and snap a few pics. My game room is a fuckin mess. The last two sessions were rolling characters for a character tree system in Dark Sun, so the books are all spread around.


Known to play the odd game, and d&d as well but I got burnt out on DMing after about year and half or two with our reg group, then a kid came along so we stick to shorter games mostly, mind you running through stuffed fables and took a year to get through chaterstones while playing other games.


main go to’s for just some base fun and no legacy stuff is Wingspan and Isle of Cats, latest quick games was shifting stones but were due for maybe another refinement and picking up some other games.


The only time I played it was in youth authority in Calif our dice were always made out of something new
Dried tolite paper with Elmer’s to finly shine outside
Wow memories


Heard lots of stories of campaigns on the inside. Definitely can be something to hang on to in that sense, for sure. Hope there’s some good memories there for you.

I hear that. It’s a big job, especially when you’ve got a solid group that really feeds back and gets creative. There’s a lot to balance, but the result can be so worth it. @JustTieflingThings could speak to that, if she feels comfortable when she gets up later- Her group was like herding cats a lot more than any of mine. And she still had so much in there that helped me through some rough spots. Hers was Ebberon-based. Never got to explore the setting before that, and I definitely look forward to going back there.

That’s one great part of the RPG-side of gaming. Those memories are real, eh?

For non-legacy games, she still plays a lot of Dominion, and some recent favorite go-tos otherwise have been Colt Express, Dungeon Mayhem, and Exploding Kittens. I keep threatening to get a bunch of old Magic cards and teach her, but she says it’s impossible. Hahaha Lords of Waterdeep and Grimm Forest were a blast, for sure! Dice Forge is a fun quicky, too, if you get a chance to play it- interesting mechanic like deck-building, but with the very faces on a set of dice.

Stay up


Yes. Dnd is a game I enjoy. My campaigns have been on hiatus for a little bit, but I still play in my buddy’s bi-weekly campaign.

I didn’t start dnd until I was an adult. My aon got me started into it. He is really into all forms of gaming. In fact I’m hosting an mtg weekend this weekend for my dad brother’s and son this weekend. We play commander.

So anyway yes I am here 100% for all things tabletop. Thanks for the thread @Coffin_Dodger !!



We played 2nd ed all through high school, and dabbled in all the other variations until too many of us had kids and no more time to sit down and play. The last game we had lasted 10 years, never finished the story and it feels like a three season tv show cancelled after 2nd season!


Today’s game night, actually. :slight_smile: I play in a weekly campaign with a few friends where we trade off DMing, right now we’re running through a PF2 module (Extinction Curse) and I’m prepping to run Strength of Thousands for the next one. I don’t really have any physical books anymore, other than a few 2nd edition D&D ones that I found in a dusty old box from when my dad used to play… just downloaded most of the ones I have from Scribd or the Trove.


For sure! And so much worse… Hundreds of hours, just in game time! Let alone prep and just plain thinking too much about it. Wouldn’t trade that time for anything, but sure wish I knew where those characters wind up. If you haven’t, check out the 5e free ruleset. It’s dead simple compared to anything before.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:

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Jealous, here. Hahaha. Never got a group into PF but I love the system and more so what I’ve heard of PF2! Good luck tonight!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


I’ve only played 5th edition so far. I’m always scouring antique and used book shops though.

Using roll 20 for an online tabletop works well for my original campaign. We use discord for audio/video and roll20 for the table top.


It’s an interesting system, to be sure… still not entirely sure I like it, but I’m slowly getting used to it. My biggest complaint when we started running it is that it’s incredibly simple to build a character, but almost impossible to build a good or bad character. Still used to 3.5 and PF1, where it’s possible to build terrible characters that require a nat 20 to hit great characters of the same level once you reach mid-levels… just from feat selection and stacking bonuses. Objectively I know this is better, but it was still tough to give up my battle oracles and 7-class-dip SA builds for a system where we’re all pretty much working with the same bonuses. :stuck_out_tongue:

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All my 3 and 3.5 books are pirated photocopies printed for free when I was in college :sweat_smile: .

I didn’t use my “included with tuition” printing services over 3 years, so the last week of school I walked into the print shop and walked right up to another guy my age:

Me: “Hey, I’d like to max out my printing before end of year with these pdfs.”
(hands over a USB key).
Him: “Sure, let me check.” (looks into files) “…are you serious?”
Me: “Yep! Do you really get paid enough to care?”
Him: “…not at all… I actually fucking hate this place. Come back in an hour.”

And that’s how I saved hundreds of dollars proving my THAC0 is better than your THAC0.

Later on I fell in love with Heroscape!

When it got discontinued by Hasbro I went nucking futs and got SOOOO MANY SETS. I then went all warhammer painting and flocking them up so when we played it was full on craziness. We made custom pieces included “warp tiles” and I’d set-up other tables in other rooms where you may end up :rofl:

It’s a line of sight game so we always had a laser pointer so slightly less arguments!


I had the same idea, but by the time I figured out it was discontinued, sets were already pretty crazy on eBay. Settled for drawing on mats, except for a short delve into classic Warhammer Fantasy wasaay back in middle school. Expanding foam hills! Hahaha
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:

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Fuck @Coffin_Dodger that sux. I ended up getting so many sets for like 2-10$ from all the toronto Toys r us’!

Folks asked at the counter: “Ahh, you gonna re-sell?”
me: “No, this is me being a nerd instead of the capitalist.”
them: " :rofl: "


I started with the Caves of Chaos box set in the 79 or 80 (which I might still have) and never graduated passed 2nd edition. After years of DMing, I have a 3 ring with around 300 pages of original intertwining adventures that take place in the same world and take players from Lv 1 through to the higher levels. Use to have a large group (6-10) that played every week ( and smoked our faces off😂) Been over a decade since I’ve played now though. Here’s a few things that where easy to find.
