Life change 2023 etc. Bs and so on

So this is new years…and what have you done…another year over and a new one just begun

John Lennon
Said it best our society is an insane society ran for insane purposes for insane people

My mom, mentor and friend has alzheimers and brother is well…he is just like he was when I stopped talking to him ten years ago…but I have changed.
My job has turned completely rogue and went deranged.
I need to work but want to play
Retirement is a million dollars and 4 years away
Wtf do you have to say?


I’m sorry for the hard times you have fallen on friend. This year isn’t off to a great start for myself either. I somehow threw my back out last week and have been stuck on my hardwood floor for six days and counting, except for the bathroom visits and a couple doctor appointments. They think I have a herniated disk or two. MRI is Tuesday. Not how I planned my week+ off from work vacation going!
I wanted to do stuff around the house, spend time playing with my son, and work in the grow room. Got like a pound drying that needs final trim and packaging, but I fear the worst when I can actually get down the stairs to do it.
In the back of my mind I worry about my employment, my health, my finances. How will this all play out? Who knows. Guess it’s out of my hands, right?
Ya know, whenever I have a bad day, week, month, or just get down on myself…I just have to take a breath and think. Think about everything that you/I do have to be greatful for. Think about how there is surely someone else out there who has it a hell of a lot worse. Because there is.
I wish you the best in your endeavors friend. Know that there’s a great community here to yap at, or to ask for help.
Kind reguards,
You’re homie.


For real.
I’m gonna do my best to be more grateful this y3ar
I have been working on the house over the past week while weather was nice. And it occurred to me I should be thankful ican still do this stuff at 63 years of age. A good friend of mine has cancer and other friends passed last year.
Wife and I have had harder times.
It’s just this uncertainty that’s getting to me i guess.


That is the correct path. :+1:

After ‘kicking’ around this planet for 60 odd years, my experiences add proof to the statement “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be”. There is no end of petty angry people out there, no matter their circumstances. (the Karen and Ken memes)
Then there are those that, no matter what, choose to be positive. Those are the folks we all should emulate.
Sooner or later we all ‘shuffle off this mortal coil’… I want to go with a smile.
