Rough patch so far

Haven’t been very active on OG for a few months, thought I’d drop by with an update…

I went back to work in order to get healthcare for my wife, until she reaches medicare age in 2yrs. It’s a part time job, 20hrs/wk, with full bennies, so a pretty good deal. I work 2 X 10hr days, then off for 5.
BUT…as it turns out, there’s about 3-4mos of training where you’re full-time. The last month has been Fri-Tue, 3:45am to 12:15am…brutal fuckin’ schedule for an old fart like me, but got through it, and back to 2 X 10hrs now. I permanently deleted my 2am alarm on my phone :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

During that time, my brother-in-law, stoner from the 70s, who has lived with us for almost 20yrs, passed away after hospice care here at the house. Was rough to say goodbye to him…

Now on to the weather up here in Maine…fuckin’ rain for the past 5-6wks…with maybe 3-4 days total of sun. People have lost their gardens, TWICE…and everyone’s just sick and tired of constant rain and drizzle. Between lack of time and lack of sun, my garden (and grow) is total shit…here’s a pic:

Those are all autos, thankfully. I gave a few plants to a neighbor that are regulars, no idea if they’ll ever finish.

So how are the rest of you folks holding up?



Good Morning Lob :coffee:

2am wake up calls are terrible. It’s just as bad as the midnight alarms I had working overnight shift years ago. I’m a morning person but not that early.

Man 5-6 weeks of straight rain is wicked weather. It has been the opposite down here in CT. We just started to get some rain. I hope you guys up there get a month straight of sunny days to help lift everyone spirits back up!

I’m sorry to hear about the passing of your brother-in-law. My condolences to you and the family.


sorry for your loss. glad things are picking up for you, hopefully.

i found out three times last week doing concrete and farm work that i am not as young as i used to be and it is hotter than it used to be. something like that anyway. been to the dropzone four times this year, perfect weather three of them, and still have not jumped. responsibilities suck sometimes.

all in all life is great though. any day on this side of the dirt is a good day. the only real emergencies are incoming fire, natural disasters, and bleeding out. everything else can be worked on.


Sorry to hear about the hard times, but glad to see you! We’ve been washing away down here in VA this week too.
All the babies are looking good even with the crap weather. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


I hear you about the rain. We have had so much rain, clouds, and cool temps all spring… even here down in southern New England. Nothing is growing well except my lawn! :joy:


Big hugs @Lobstah things sound rough for sure but you got this any we got you in whatever capacity OG fam can have!

Take care of yourself to growmie!



Condolences to you and your wife. I hope she is doing ok during these times of loss and tragedy. If there is anything any of us OGers can do, let us know!
Congratulation on your job and getting through “training”. Healthcare is one of the most important things our government doesn’t help with, so sad.


My deepest condolences to you and your wife @Lobstah great to hear about the job ! This summer sure has been odd so far let’s hope the remainder is amazing or we get an amazing Indian summer this year.


@Lobstah sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your family. That amount of rain would make me go nuts.


yours are larger than mine :cowboy_hat_face: keep your head up.

i put marble rocks in the bottom of ones like that like say 1.0" worth for those pots (granted for stuff other than herb) for even drainage when it rains. when you water have to keep the extra drainage in mind though. draining them not directly on the deck would probably be good too.

when i lived in vancouver i grew on a rooftop and id tarp them with clear gh film to protect them from the rain (just on top angled down - like say over/under your deck railing there), drain it down into a funnel that went into the gutter. basically only way to keep a seedling alive outside there in the spring or not get bud rot in october. gotta keep airflow in mind ofc.

all the best to your family.


It is, trust me. Everyone up here is just grumpy…even more than usual :wink:


Sorry to hear you hit a rough patch in life, the bad days help me to appreciate the good days.
I hope you have more good days comming.
Looks like you are off to a good start, I hope the weather is just right for ya.

Good luck this year.
Keep it green LOB


Thanks for all of the kind words and thoughts. He was a character, to be sure, and definitely did it “his way”… He avoided responsibility for pretty much everything in his life, including his own health. Smoked unfiltered Pall Malls for 55yrs, drank 5-6 beers each night.
He had a couple of great sayings, like “Well…that’s just a giant bowl of fuck.”
His father was jewish, he mother a protestant. He would proudly announce each week…“It’s Tuesday, Be Kind To Jews Day!”, and he had a raft of stories that he told over and over, none of them true, but he “owned” them.
Lots of brainpower, IQ up around 160, his folks were both Mensas.
Quite a dude. We kept him warm, fed, and high for the past 2 decades or so, and I’m glad he was part of our lives.
We both miss him…and I hope he’s found a good supply where ever he ended up, and he’s playing his bass with some old friends.



Welcome back Lobstah, sorry about you BIL. Hopefully things are on the upswing for you.