Light cycles

I run my light cycles like this
Seedlings 20/4.
Veg at 18/6.
In the run up to ‘flip’ I’ll lower the hours 1hr a day until reaching 12/12.
Then after a they finish stretching into flower, usually around 2 weeks, I’ll lower to 11/13.
And in the final 2 weeks I’ll drop that to 10/14.

Thats usually what I do, but cant say I’ve tried it in a side by side to show definitive differences.

I have heard a few different people talking about flowering cycles like this and why 12/12 isn’t the best for most modern varieties though.
I think mostly equatorial varieties will be suited to flowering in 12/12, but anything else, not so much.

I believe SnowHigh talked about it on an episode of the Potcast.
