Light timing 12-12 or 13-11?

Yo yo OG crew!
I’ve tried searching around the site, but haven’t found any concrete answers. People seem to be using 13 hours on, 11 hours off to transition plants into flowering. People also seem to be using this timing when producing seeds. But would the added light hour a day increase flowering time and end weight?
70 days x 1 extra hour per day = 70 light hours
10 extra days to flower x 13 hours a day = 130 light hours

12 hours light x 70 days = 840 light hours standard flowering time

13 hours light x 80 days = 1040 light hours extended flower

200 extra light hours?

Might not have my math right…rushed and at work.



I’ve always done 11 on 13 off.
Now over at the spot, they broke that 13 up.
If you know Tomba, he could probably give ya some insight.
I believe I saw him at the farm or riu

Good guy to get to know.

  • 12/12
  • 11/13
  • (some other shit 24/7)

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Ran back to back runs same plants…1 11 on 13 dark…other 12/12…

12/12 was a much better harvest, and finished about the same time anyway…had BOTH Indy/Sat plants in there.

The 11/13 was one of my worst runs to be honest.


Old Skool 12/12 4 lyfe lol. I’ve seen people mess with non 24 hour day cycles and that’s just stressful for everyone.


I think we should ask the plants about this subject …


I’d bet 11/13 is most helpful with the equatorial stuff…and maybe use it for flipping & jump to 12/12 in small increments…? :smoking:

Strains vary so much in triggering times it seems. As far as my location goes, flowering has begun outdoors by 12/12 with most finishing in 11/13ish conditions.

:wink: So there. :joy: :v:

:evergreen_tree: 'i speak for the trees ’ –the lorax


Thanks for the input everyone!! I guess the old saying, “if it ain’t broke, dont fix it” can be applied here.

Thanks again, gang!!!


I’m doing 11 on 13 off to save on power consumption and I’ve seen no difference btw that and 12/12.


Yeah there ain’t much difference between 11/13 or 12/12.
We ran a test over at the other spot and found out no diff.
We were messing with the gaslight way also.


There aint no hard n fast rules. Its a weed. Plant health rules all. This spirit grows in every part of the world n flowers n makes seeds no prob in all of em. 24hrs all the way down to 6hrs of light a day. Intensity - spectrum - angle - duration all matter n it’s why ppl r doin fine w anythin under 14hrs a day to < 6hrs a day. More im-por-tant-eh is yer environs once ye get b-low 14hrs.



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My flowering is actually 10/14.


I’ve always been told that 12/12 was the way to go, or at least a minimum of 12 hours dark.

Completely backwards - 13/11 - longer day period and 11 hours enough for good flower…

Buzz ON…

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