Light schedule 12 on 5-1/2 off one one and 5-1/2 off anybody use it in veg?

I’ve always been interested in the gas lantern technique but I dont use timers and my work schedule wouldn’t allow me to be here for them. From all I’ve seen it works, I would just make sure your DLI is appropriate for the stage they are in. :pray:


Why does everyone not like petri? Something I’m missing?

We run artificial environments in our grow tents. Is there anything out there that tested, let’s say, 9/5 for on/off veg schedule and 9/12 for flower?

Some mad science high thoughts here. I’m thinking of tricking weed into a faster day by day grow cycle. So like after a week outside the tent, it’s actually been a week and a half inside the tent.


I tried some of these alternative light cycles many years ago… I was taught 24hr light in veg and 12/12 for flower but I wanted to experiment and do my own thing.
I guess for places with super high electicity bills it might be worth experimenting but with those experiments under my belt I went back to 24hr veg and 12/12 although if strains go past 9 weeks of 12/12 I am dropping to 11/13 for the remaining weeks.
The plant’s natural rythms with dictate how much light energy it stores in a given day and I observe my 24hr lit room and see some plants drooping while others are praying… come back a couple hours later and the droopy ones are praying and others are drooping.
So i don’t really see a benefit other than electricity saving and I wonder if light cycles like these mess with the plants internal rythms too much and cause stress.
I dunno… My plants get bushy enough under 24hr
interesting experiments though and I am not discounting it… but i am somewhat skeptic that shorter daylight hours grow bigger buds. That in itself makes no sense to me and I’d love to be shown the light there.


He is connected to Raymond Cogo, the guy who snitched on Neville back in the day. That and general attitude over the years. Also because he kicks anyone off of his Facebook group if they ask too many questions, even legitimate or innocuous ones seeking help.

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Believe it’s called the “lantern method” if I remember correctly

I’ve really enjoyed Reading this thread And my conclusion, which could well be wrong.

A plant needs a certain amount of light intensity Per day and it will be detrimental to the plant if it receives Either less than or more than the required amount.


Oh I had no idea. But no paperwork from anything I’ve seen if I was guilty of my friends issues I’ll be locked up forever and everyone would dislike me like him . So he’s a rat? Or guilty bye association? Just curious because I know he called McCormick out and several others but nothing on him they said they had. Paperwork has to be out there. McCormick is the one who told on someone but he denied until the paperwork came out. Yeah I always try to help if I can It can be overwhelming and I’m nobody. He is known in the community so I can imagine how many people have questions. And who’s Congo never heard of him and his issues. Thanks bud for the info sheds light on the situation.

I need to use this next season because I put out some teens outside too early this season they started flowering now they have to revege. set a timmer for the middle of the night for one hour. I have run 12/1 and it works. Will it help my plants re veg faster I wonder?

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Cogo was named in the affidavit for coming out and speaking against Neville.It’s public record you can find it online.Be careful mentioning his name in any open forums.He has a lawyer that follows people online and harasses them.If you go on Quora you can see him going after people who didn’t even talk shit but provided Common knowledge to the situation I mean it’s all over the internet and he is named right in the court documents.


Wow and thanks for letting me know.


A better way of looking at it would be that it’s the dark period that affects the flowering after 12hour of light if it’s interrupted plants will stay in vegetative state


I toyed with that idea a few year ago, essential trying to get 9 day light periods in one week, but never ran it in the end.
It seemed like too much hassle trying to work out my timers. But if you had a digital one like on NIWA you could easily programme it.

If anyone ever tried it and did a side by side to see the results, it could potentially knock a full week off of flowering times.
Which would be handy for some longer flowering narrow leaf varieties.

Having said that, I’d expect those types of plant to not respond as well as maybe some more ‘indica’ plants from higher latitudes.



I have a niwa it’s only been used once for a few days if you or anyone is interested I’ll give you a great deal on it.


Appreciate the offer, but I’m running low tech at the moment, so wouldn’t really warrant having a niwa set up.
I’d love to get a set up in future where it would be needed though.



Yeah I’m not to tech savvy I found the ac infinity was way easier for me to program than the niwa. I think I’ll post it on the used equipment thread I’m sure someone would have use for it.


Yes, I’ve had a few different Digital timers. They are also complex to set. I think there are probably too many setting options and it just makes it to complex In the past, I have persevered programming them, trouble comes when the battery goes flat and you have to go through programming all over again lol

Actually, I’ve had a lot of bad luck with timers. That style that’s been around since the 1970s it’s simple to use, but they just seem to blow out after awhile

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I’m just wondering about how much extra stretch you get when you’re using this method

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He said on another podcast that Appollo timers have the 12/1 schedule in it already….


Not any difference the plants grow at night it’s how you charge them up meaning if you’re light is to far it won’t collect as strong photosynthesis as it would if the light is closer.I’m probably using some wrong Terms please excuse that lol but I look at it like solar panels bring sun full charge cloudy day weak charge. And @PakaBoi ty I couldn’t remember the name of the charger that comes with it already programmed for it. :v: