flowering w/ 24 hours of light.

I have a first for me but I have been out of growing for 20 years. I have a friend who says his his nephew is growing using 24hrs light while flowering. I have seen the pictures and there are buds. Is this some new alien seed technology that allows for this? I have never seen a plant bud with 24 hours of light.

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Hes growing a autoflower. They will flower regardless of light schedule and most produce better when receiving 20-24 hours of light a day.


Autos will flower under 24 hours of light.
Although I do not think that is ideal.


WOW, still learning new stuff… thanks for the info!


Mine are under 18 hrs light, I want to try an replicate where ruderallis comes from, and northern latitudes have 18 up to 24 hr days at times. So I agree, 24 all the time isn’t the same, and plants do need a few hours of “down time”, even if its only 4-6 hours…

I’ve seen some grown at 12/12 too, and they didnt look too shabby.

Ive spent more time learning how to grow than i actually have spent growing :rofl:

I dont think there is a point when u can stop learning new stuff!


I have accidentally left 24 hours of light on my autos, and they were fine… but definitely seem happier after being able to get some sleep. So I set 2 alarms for their night night time lol.


Autoflowers do that. They’re pretty neat.

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You gotta get some timers for those lights, relieves a lot of stress and worry


Mephisto recommends 24h light for their autos. But, I’m growing a mephisto plant now… and I’ve notice that late in the evening the plant starts to droop. Almost like it’s tired and begging for some rest and sleep.
I have my lights set to 20on/4off.

In the morning the plant has perked back up and doing great.

So… I’m wondering if 24h can be detrimental?
Anyone else noticed this drooping in the plants after 18-19 hours of light?


It likely has to do with alot of other conditions if i had to guess.

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You’re very right. I ordered one I think should work, amazon says it’s 5 stops away :joy:


Yes! That’s why I was like oh snap, so sorry, you are obviously asking for sleep. Not Mephisto though.

My last auto grow I used 24 hours of light from seed to harvest for the first time. It worked fine.

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This should do it you think? Just got here! I’ve never used one. I surprised myself even putting my tent together alone :joy:


I need to get a digital one like that, my mechanical timer drifts like 15min a week.

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I’ll post on my grow log how it works out. I know I will be skeptical for a bit. But it had pretty good reviews!

BN-LINK 7 Day Heavy Duty Digital Programmable Timer, FD60 U6, 115V, 60Hz, Dual Outlet, Indoor, for Lamp Light Fan Security UL Listed https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MVF16JG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GNQFHMNP89DCXG11NRDJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

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Exact one I have…in fact I have 3 lol

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Excellent to know! Woo lol.

urban legends auto mazarilla grown under 12/12 in a 3 gallon hempie with element nutrients, at 63 days from seed right now.

I used to run alot of autos, but have gone back to photos now. I found at 20 hours of light they would plateau and not give you an increased yield, so I saved that 4 hours of electricity a day.