Light switching

Just want to get a little opinion on, Switching your lighting from veg to hps.

  1. This has always crossed my mind, switching from vho to hps. Do you think the plants are influenced in which way they swing during this process?
  2. Would it be better to induce flowering still under vho or under the big lights?

Just food for thought?

Other members questions are invited


Wow don’t like the big bold print, how’d that happen?

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You’ve used the “#” tag? This creates headings with big and bold type. I’ve added a space before the tag, for you if that helps.

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2 HPS big light 20 chars


Thank you…

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Raise light for a full day or so to let them “adjust” to the HPS, much hotter than the HO’s.

When I come from my T5 Ho’s to the Gavita, I raise the gavita a good foot over where I normally would run it, and lower watts to 400. Next day I bring it down to height I want it at, the 3rd or 4th day crank it to 500, then by day 5, up to 600 where it stays until they get some size to them…then to 750/825


Hps runs pretty cool, just looking for others experiences.
I can close the tent up and run at 72 year round.
So heat and temp not an issue.

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NOT concerned about heat…light intensity. Go straight from VHO’s to 600 HPS @ 16 inch’s off their heads, gonna shock them.

When I said Hotter…I did not mean temp…meant intensity…like a "hot " car…the VHO’s are lil p.o.s rice burners while the HPS is a Ferrari …

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I’ve been thinking about this too, in my case MH to HPS (or LED) anyway, I’ve been wondering would it not be better to run the first two weeks under 12/12 with MH (Blues) then switch to HPS (reds) after two-three weeks? Instead of switching to the HPS with the 12/12 switch.

would that reduce stretch?


Actually this little vho almost runs hotter than the air cooled hps.
I understand about intensity, I’m just wondering which would give a better ratio to m/f, I normally run at 65% females.
Running the first 2 weeks the way they are or go a head and throw the air cooled in?
I have adjustable ballasts so it’s not like I’m gonna throw 600 at them right away.

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