Autoflowers lighting?

When autos start flowering should you switch from mh to hps like you would with photos? Got a ways to go yet as they’re still germinating, but better to get it figured out early right.


I always just leave them in my veg room with a 3500K LED (good for both veg and bloom).


You can change, but you don’t have too. It should show a little better production under hps though.

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That’s what I was thinking, just wanted to verify. Thanks hps for flower it is. Should I swap after the stretch(not sure if that’s a thing with autos tbh) or right when they start?

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Good question with autos, I wait until after stretch on photos. Its been a while since I used HID and autos.

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I would switch around the same time I switch to bloom nutrients. Usually around the time buds are dime sized. :+1::wink: