Lights for a 4x4 or 5x5

So I’m still relatively new to growing, I’m currently using a 600w light in a 5x5 tent and was looking to get a 2nd tent. i was thinking of trying CMH lights or possibly LEDs but i’m having trouble narrowing down the options. Will a 630w CMH light cover a 4x4 or 5x5 area? Any recommendations otherwise for lighting that size of area?

The #1 option is diy with lm561c diodes. If you’re not up to diy though i’d go with this
It’s 600 watts at the wall with par #s that are as good as unit’s 4 times the $ for under 340 including shipping it’s hard to beat

isn’t the rule of thumb 600w HPS for 4X4 and 1000w for 5X5? The 630 CMH might do a little better than 600w HPS but I"m guessing it’s somewhat low for 25 sq. feet. 600w of a high quality LED would be a good but that’s going to be expensive.

A 315 covers 3x3 very well and 4x4 good, so i assume the 630 would cover a 5x5 well.

This says it covers a 4x4 so a 5x5 with reflective walls would be fine. If you are using a tent i wouldn’t recommend a 1000 watt bulb in it, especially if you have little experience.


you don’t have to use the full 5X5 space all the time either, you can always just use a 4x4 area of it if you want.

I found I needed two 315 CMH’s to cover my 4x4 tent adequately! Together they worked about the same as my 600w Gavita, which makes sense as they both have about 1200 umol.


These should definitely be checked into.

Some great options currently.

Rapid change though. I’m waitin’.


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