Lighting for 5ftx9ft Grow Tent

I narrowed it down to LEDs or six 315w CMH. I have a/c inside the tent. My main concerns are yield and quality. I haven’t grown with anything but LEDs so far. I am worried about HID ballast during rainstorms if the power flickers. I see the manual says to wait 20 minutes to turn it back on so I don’t know how that would work, if anyone has experience there. Thanks

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I would just ask this on the other thread you created about your bedroom grow and include things like what kind of LED you have narrowed it down to.

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I didn’t make a decision on LED brand yet.

So what are your goals? That’s a huge space, this is my last 4x4 harvest with 4 plants. A 5x9 area could really produce way more weed than I could possibly go through. Do you have a goal in mind or are you just looking to use all your available space?


Are you planning to fill it fully or leave a few feet to work in?

If ya got the money I’d get two of those hlg Diablo lights for the tent!


I either fill it wall to wall with FloraFlex irrigation and no walking room or (4) 2x4 no-till organic living soil raised beds on four 2x4 single wire shelves with wheels

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I like the 2x4 bed idea, but I’m biased because that’s what i do haha


the only downside would be 300 gallons of soil in my bedroom.

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Or the pests that could possibly come with it :thinking:

On the cheap side, I’d say 2 x 600w in cooltube or vented hoods.
Could get high end leds.

To me the choice rides on how expensive electricity is in your local.

Here I pay 10 cents per kwh. Makes leds a moot investment, when you can get an hid at the fraction of the price.

My space is 5x7 with the 7’ width wise. Would be nice to be the other direction but it is what it is. I do have plants on either side and at the end. Gives me a lot of space in the center to move around in. Lots of heat to get rid of if you are running the space fully. I do not plan on growing continuously, hopefully just two grows a year.

What’s up with these 315w cmh I keep hearing about?

These were veg lights back when I was in operation. Some new development?

how high are the ceilings ? if you dont have alot of clearance i would go with multi bar style LED lights. whats the budget if you have 10 or 12 foot ceilings you can go double end hps ( i prefer led)

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I have a 4x8 with two 600 watt hps… also a 5x9 with 1 1000 watt hps in a dominator xxxl hood. Does work.!

It’s in your bedroom? That’s gonna be a bit noisy for sleeping with fans and AC and the dehumidifier you’re going to need. I’d do a 4x8 flood table in it with 6 x 315 CMH.

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room is 11ft x 12ft

Diy leds using bridgelux eb strips.

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How long did you vegged and what strain to get such yeld?