Lone stars 'sharon' widow

Hey guys as some of you know I’m trying to do a white widow breeding project and last night doing some reading I came across a widow I hadn’t heard of, apparently lonestar genetics have an exceptional white widow they refer to as “sharon” according to what I’ve read she’s exceptionally potent so I’d love to learn more o this if anyone out here knows as well as a possible contact with lonestar as I’d happily purchase a pack of seeds of it if they are available. Preferably regs but would also happily work with s1 if that’s all that’s available.
I think adding her to the project once her lineage is determined would be fantastic.
Thanks guys


Lonestar is deceased as his seed co Texas Resin Co.

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You should look for texas kid on IG

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Oh man I has no idea, that’s sad. Thanks for the heads up mate✌️

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