Krome the white seeds

Hey guys I’ve always been really interested &impressed with kromes the white strain, being outside of the USA I can’t access it(the only seeds I ever saw for sale were og raskal s1 seeds about 5 years ago. Still spewing I missed them :laughing:
Has anyone here ever made s1 seeds with her? I’d love to buy some one day if possible. Thanks guys peace :v:


This is the one to look for, from what I know of:


Awesome mate if only I could find some! I’ll have to keep checking and searching for them! I thought heaps of people on here would have the cut and reversed it but I guess it’s not on the top of to do lists, I’ve heard it’s pretty bland but it’s trich production is out of this world, sounds like a must have for breeding new quality strains!


If you’re into autoflowers, Mephisto offers a strain called Walter White. That is Krome’s The White crossed to make it an auto. I’ve grown it a couple of times and it provides a wonderful sativa buzz. The breeder has different stores for USA, Canada, and Europe - plus you can find their seeds at various seed banks.


I will say that according to Dutchgrown and Rezdog, after working with the Krome cut, they both reached the conclusion that “The White”/“The Triangle” might well be the three-way cross Krome has said it is, but that ultimately it presents as an exceptional pheno of Ingemar’s original White Widow, likely crossed to a Kush variety. So your quest might be furthered by looking at available crosses of the best White Widows, probably something based on the Aloha cut.


If I were on this quest, I might try Hazeman’s Bubba Kush (pre 98) x The White x Aloha White Widow from his direct order list. Seems almost like a BX to the White cut, which is a thing he does a decent amount, working cuts back to seed. to get in touch


Thanks for the heads up brother! I’ve never heard that the white was a pheno of ww x kush but it could very well might be! Thanks for the contact details for hazeman that really sounds like a nice cross! Seeing as I find a bubba cross already helpful medically this one could be right on the money for me.
I am certainly interested in ingemars ww I emailed him but haven’t got a response yet so this cross might be the next best thing, cheers for looking out bro stay free brother :pray:


No worries, brother. Email him asking for the current list and he’ll send you the big one (screenshot is maybe 20% of it) and ordering directions. He does cash in the mail and includes a free full pack of his choice with every order.