Looking for beans

Hello all OGers, I am trying to help a few cancer patients I know and a few veterans I know that is trying to do their own medicine, but lack of seeds, I have gotten a few from here so I decided to share what was sent to me, but not enough for everyone I know needs the help, so my question is are there anyone here that would be interested in helping me help them, even just a couple would be very appreciated, this is not for me but to help others out, that’s why you see my name on all of the wiki’s trying to win for them, any help would be appreciated and thank you all for this chance to help my friends with their conditions, again I thank everyone for the help


Assuming fem auto’s would suffice?


I have regs


I could send something if it would help someone in need


Thanks regs would be ok just trying to help them out

Hi yes anything would be appreciated

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It doesn’t have to be fems it can be regs, just trying to help, a lot can’t afford it so thought I could help and thanks


I’m assuming indica dominate would be preferred for this. What do you need?


Probley but anything is appreciated

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Thank you very appreciated


DM me an address…


Just wanted to thank everyone for helping me out on this, a lot of happy patients right now, could not have done it without OG, thank you all who helped, it is very appreciated again thanks

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I am sure I can send something that can help. Please dm me an address. Thanks :pray:t5:

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Sent and thank you

I have some mystery seeds if you want some bulk beans
Fresh seeds for this year’s outdoor

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Yeah that would be great anything to pass on to some patients and stuff

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Dm me your address and I’ll send em out Monday I did a germination test on em and it was successful