Lost in the mist, or Twisted journeys in the AAA world (strawberry version)


Ok, the first undoubted conclusion: my idea with short misting cycles doesnā€™t work, at least with 1 bar / 1 bar pressure. Seems there is no enough force to move mist up, hair stays dry. Or at least I canā€™t discern any drops on them.

Next going to move up air pressure (1.5 air / 1 bar water) and check the difference.

1.5 bar air / 1 bar water produce too fine mist for my taste.

Iā€™ve seen your nutrtion calculator you posted a few days ago. Do you also have a nutrition spectrum analyzer or plan on using one?

Btw. regarding our previous conversation on yt: Considering chinese nozzles vary greatly in their dimensions, I donā€™t think they are really an option. I will probably buy nozzles from SS as you mentioned you got yours from them. If you find cheaper sources for nozzles, I hope Iā€™ll read them here ^^

Also I am looking for a method to confirm whether a nozzle is suited or rather the environment is correctly adjusted. My current approach is shutter speed as fast as your cam can handle it (1/24000s for my phone cam), iso adjusted (so I can still see anything as 1/24000 wonā€™t let much light through, I have to set my iso as high as possible), bright flash with dark environment. At least Iā€™m trying to make this work.

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And with the picture do you have fishing line or something in it to compare to? To focus on?

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By the way, have you guys read through this rather long seemingly original AAA thread:

Iā€™m sort of working my way backwards thro it but might just bite the bullet and read thro it all from the startā€¦ if you havenā€™t, just from some of the brief things Iā€™ve already read, maybe you might learn a thing or two :man_shrugging:t2:

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@No_Body First of all, welcome, glad youā€™ve decided to join.

If I understand what is nutrition spectrum analyzer correctly then no, I donā€™t have this device and honestly not sure such device can work at allā€¦ Do you have examples of such devices? I would love to hear something reliable about it. Iā€™ve seen some devices from India and China but I donā€™t trust random China devices if they are not proven.

I have plans to do periodic checks of leaves and petioles for correct macro-/micro-nutrients composition but it will depend on price.

I periodically check eBay for some options Iā€™ve chosen. These current nozzles were really a bargain: Iā€™ve got 2 pairs of SUE15A and SUE18B (which allows me to try 4 different nozzles types as a nozzle contains from air cap and fluid cap so I can combine them) just for $33 including delivery for all.

But I would love to try internal mix nozzles as well. Iā€™ve found couple of lots but now Iā€™m slightly short on money so have to wait a little.

We all here tried to find a way to evaluate mist quality but havenā€™t got any reliable and non-judgmental method. If youā€™ll find something it will be just perfect.

Nope, I donā€™t. This method is also very opinionated but at least I can see if there is water drops on something what looks like roots. I would rather make the same thing out of very thin fishing line (0.025 mm) but as I havenā€™t one so I used a paint brush. An idea is just to see how many particles are impinge into these fake roots.

Thanks a lot for the link! I believe Iā€™ve seen this thread at the beginning of my research but Iā€™m afraid I didnā€™t pay much attention to it for some reason. I will re-read it, Iā€™m sure it has sense.

Yeah itā€™s funny, I have gone back and reread things after being a lil more educated now and things that didnā€™t make sense before now do.


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I took a hair. Inspired by the convtroversial and often judged star trek aeroponics guy.
But a slide gauge used by mechanics would work as well.


Do you have examples of such devices? I would love to hear something reliable about it. Iā€™ve seen some devices from India and China but I donā€™t trust random China devices if they are not proven.

Ok most of the people dont own one. What would work are ion selective membrane probes. You basically need a membrane probe for each nutrition ion you would want to monitor. If this sounds very expensive to you, then Iā€™m happy I could picture it accurately :smile:

I tried to even find a product for these probes but all I found was a few unproven newcomers. handheld devices looking like a pen for about 2k$ if I recall correctly. I think a small scale gas chromatograph could help but now we are moving far awar from what people can afford. I mean I know I cant afford one.

I am still working on the camera approach and hope to give something back to the community. Probably like most of you I read soo many papers including months long posts on a variety of online forums until I finally registered. All you guys really helped me get to the point where I am now. I still have nothing in my hand but I now know at least what I want and need (or at least kind of :smiley:)

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On the nutrient analysis.
The probes are called ion selective electrodes (ISE) or specific ion electrode (SIE). You basically just need the probes for the ions and a microcontroller interfacing the analog read of the probes.
If someone decides on building something then hit me up.

Do you mean plants analysis to prove they have enough nutrients or solution analysis?

By the way, be careful with a hair. It can vary too much. I would recommend to find a fishing line as it should have consistent thickness.

The spectrometric analysis of the nutrient ions dissolved in the solution.
Is this called solution analysis? Never heard it before.

Yeah that was just a workaround to see if itā€™s at least about the same magnitude.
The prefered way is probably the slide gauge.

Sorry, as you may noticed English isnā€™t my native language so Iā€™m not good with some terms :slight_smile:

Initially I thought you were talking about plants analysis.

I donā€™t see any sense in the solution analysis (or how to call it shortly? :slight_smile: ) as Iā€™m going to do drain-to-waste. I believe it is much more convenient and reliable. Or do you mean something different?

No problem. Mine neitherā€¦ As long as we unterstand each other :slight_smile:

No, you pretty much nailed it. Thatā€™s what I want to do. Optimize nutrient uptake and monitor what nutrient amounts were uptaken at any given point in time and per nutrient ion. Perhaps I can correlate specific nutrient enrichments to specific changes or responses from the plant.

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I also tried to research on some kind of plant physiology and chemical responses from plants to stress or other growth influencing factors (whether constructive or not) but the papers I found went so far over my head that I donā€™t even know if the articles I read were even adressing the same topic or if their title maybe just felt familiar for my incompetent ass and I read something completely unrelated. :smiley:

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But wouldnā€™t it be much more reliable and precise to analyse plants themselves? For example, for strawberry it is common to make analysis of petiole and leaves: every one or two weeks collect samples and send them to a lab. In this case you get exact picture of what is going on in the plants.

Do you think that solution can be as reliable as plants?

Maybe. Probably depends on what data give more insight into the mass production process. Measuring and analysing the plant directly does seem to produce more accurate findings but I have no data regarding this and as my knowledge in biochemistry and botanics is not sufficient for this kind of assumptions I could only use what I had. And that is the input of nutrients and other environmental factors in relation to the output which is quality and mass for my calculations.

But I am very open to more accurate ways of determining plant state and happy to hear better alternatives. :slight_smile:

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