Making rosin - need assistance with weed press

I am new rosin and would like to change my smoking habits from joints to rosin. Hoping some here can help with weed press options. Best bang for your buck is preferred. Anybody out there with experience making rosin please chime in, all assistance/ suggestions welcome.


I’m a fan of Rosin myself…

Here’s a bit of light ready and a few options in presses.



Here’s a few more review’s


Pretty sure there are guides on here for making presses

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If you search rosin, press and/or rosin press the are many dyi and purchased ones here.

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Honestly I think it really depends on the room you have and also the $ you have to spend. You can buy a premade that can fit on top of a bench/desk or you can make one out of a shop press and some 3x5 caged dabpress plates and heater.

I went with the DIY option.


Thanks everyone. I am really not sure about the DIY for making the press. I have looked at the kits but they look a little more involved than I want to get in making one. However, seeing this nugsmasher mini 2 tonne and not terribly priced…thinking I may have found a winner.

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I will give you the advice to get the largest press, with the largest heat plates if you are a grower. Stuffing bags with a quarter at a time gets tedious, quickly. My plates are 4x7 and I can press an ounce in each bag. Don’t worry about all the computerized stuff either, I have the digital heat control on a dabpress but just manual pressure control.


Good point…I really dont want to do a small amount over and over. Well going to take another look into the DIY option.

I bought a Rositek press recently and I like it so far. I’ve only pressed about 4 grams of rosin so far, so I’m by no means an expert. One thing I’ve found out is that the herb needs to be on the wetter side, like 65%RH seems good, for better yields. I would also suggest using filter bags to press. I’m using 120micron, but will probably go down to 50micron for flower. You’ll sacrifice yields, but the quality is better. If you can swing it, the best quality product will come from fresh frozen flower that has been sieved to hash. Freeze dry the hash and then press that… the final product is pretty amazing.


Thanks for the info, really appreciated. I planned on using bubble hash or flower. Sifted or bubble hash pretty much the same so probably will go that route. Why freeze though first? Just curious

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I believe it helps preserve the terpenes/smell better. Also the resin itself doesn’t age or oxidize. It’s a lot of extra work, but if you’ve tried the final product, you’ll see why people go through the effort. We’re all happy to help here, welcome aboard.


Thank you…honestly love OG. The amount of wealth in these pages are not measurable. Honestly was like a guru in my mind until I joined…then found out quickly just another tadpole in a huge pond…btw terpenes are so important and i knew nothing of them until about 3 years ago…so important I am even going to break down and buy grove bags…

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This is why I still don’t have my own, I need something bigger, all the ones I’ve seen were tiny and pressing pounds would absolutely kill me.

YouTube it, DIY Rosin press bromigos. .

I think the 4x7 does a oz at a time?

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