Making use of fully seeded material?

How do you guys make use of left over materials when doing seed runs?


I put it in my 160 bubble bag and make dry sift.


I’m terrible, I just throw it in my compost bin. I did bust out the screens and make dry sift once, but that’s the exception not the rule around here.


You can also turn it into Canna-Butter for edibles :+1:


Crafty vape don’t care bout no seed husks! I vape that sh*t.


Your compost won’t complain, but come on man, make a tincture or something, :upside_down_face: lol


I have so much material, it’s just not worth my time. :wink:


Just riffing on the tincture thread lol

Weeded seeds are nice for sleeping, sometimes I think cbn is the only active edible cannabinoid my body accepts. I don’t get that floaty high that most report, but I do get naptime

I mean seeded weed lol

Works perfect for making my topicals… which a lot of my non smoking friends enjoy. I try to let nothing go to waste.


Dry sift with a bubble bag or silkscreen and press it ( or don’t! I love turbo weed joints and bowls with extra kif) or just keep loading up a big flower vape like a Volcano or Plenty

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That’s when u need a garbage can and some big ass bubble bags, all mine gets thrown in a bucket and ran for some hash

I mean after I run it through the bags the worms get it but gotta collect the good stuff for me first haha


Not terrible at all. Weed is cheap and good weed can be grown.
Compost bin is great for very old weed or mids, or u can grind it for top dress. The trichomes act as anti bacterial and ipm

Depends on the strain. When the leftover is like hay, I throw it in the bin for ice o lator hash. When it’s from seeded cookies you can easily smoke it still and it tastes like the normal buds.

I generally make MCT oil from the leftovers.

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Thats all

I smoke most of mine…It is usually pretty good too.
At least the big buds.
Not as good as unseeded but very smokeable.
I guess I am old-school…LOL
With the rest I will make dry ice sift.

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Right into the hash bag it goes… :slight_smile:

IMHO, we throw away amazing goodies in herm’s, male plants.
Edibles or tincture can be very good med’s for folks that have nothing to use.
My buddy that passed away from Parkinson’s as the disease got him, he would try to keep a grow going.
I would gather up, cutting’s seeds, extra gear, I could give him, for a bit of relief for him.
His plants, well some of them were just crappy, as his mind was all over the place.
He was not always pleasant, and hated his predicament, hated charity, so I would take his gear, (usually very small amounts) to my work area, add what I had stashed in a freezer, and make him green dragon drops, or super potent edibles.
It’s a shame what we throw away at times.

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make shatter.

yummy …