Male/female before up-potting?

Yes, that’s where I took the idea from. You just have the gift :laughing:


I never take a plant past a 1/2-1 gallon container until I have seen it show sex on its own. I have been thinking about starting to force them to show since I am starting to pop more seeds and prepare for some breeding. Either way, my veg tent is mainly to hold plants in stasis till I can transition them into their final container weather it be a raised bed or earthbox, so a little extra time here and there is no issue for me since I am not in a rush to keep them 100% perfect when young.


Alirht my brotha ;;;
Found a bunch of 1.67gallon pots from my first grow
Damn I under estimated the size of a 2*4
Only issue I see right now is going to be lots of humidity
Should I just transplant the biggest . And leave the smallest seedlings until im ready to open the second tent up ???
Gonna transpant and label now!


Hard to say what’s best. Lots of different ways to go about it.

For me the limiting factor is always space. I can veg a max of 6 1g pots which is why I sex in such small containers. Need to find the females and then transplant.

You seem to have lots of space so you could do whatever you like.

If I were you I’d probably just transplant them all at the same time because setup/cleanup time for transplanting irritates me. The only issue is that you waste some medium on potential males, which is going to happen so no big deal.

If you’ve got exhaust I wouldn’t worry so much about humidity. And you can always give less water more often if it’s a problem.

I vote transplant them all and next run switch it up to sex in smaller containers.

Up to you my man.

All the best

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I have. A spare tent.
Lol i just used it to mix my soil in … LOL
I will transplant them all I guess.
It is time consuming…I will use all the soil I have m
It a a mix of organix living soil.promix. perlite and Gaia greens…lol
Bout to garden for a bit and relaax and enjoy it so il check in later . Thanks for the speedy and courteous reply.
Really do appreciate -im just knee deep in the transplant now. I accept.your vote lol
I find transplant ING the toughest part of growing.labour wise.



You’re quite welcome.

Yes you have lots more space than I do :joy:

Transplanting is my second least favourite thing about growing just behind trimming.


Hahaha !

After my first grow / harvest - I couldn’t imagine why anyone would hate trimming !

Then came my second grow - I left on alot more lower branches thinking I would harvest more - I would have
but it was so much lower stuff I didn’t even want to bother with it . I chopped it all off at the branch and gave it to a friend and said he could have it . Must have been 2-3 oz lol I was in the middle of busy work season and couldn’t be bothered. I won’t do that again Though - I’ll make oil next time

WELL update
Got 2 nut butters up potted -
2 Alien O.g
and 1 Blue Monster fem

Ran out of my soil mix …not running out to cold garage for the other alien o.g and 4 molokainfrost.
That a tomororow job.

And many of you were right - the plants in those small cups were well on they’re way to root bound ! Was skating on thin ice !

Those little cups have got to be smaller than16oz

Either way - they will enjoy they’re new homes !!

Hopefully i can sex them before to long . I think they are well on they’re way to 3rd week


Yeah, I’ve done that. Now I snip everything except the 6 or 8 best branches. Everything else gets removed. The theory is that the energy that would be wasted on the lowers goes to the bigger buds. I don’t really care if that’s true I just hate trimming the popcorn :rofl:

I’m comfortable with a degree of root binding. As long as they are watered and fed properly I feel it’s ok. There are guys here who grow monster plants in 1g pots.

All looks good and now you can take a well deserved rest.

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For me its worth the 9$ per plant to just have them dna sex tested by a lab. You can do it as early as 2 weeks from germ. Saves a lot of time and headache. It’s not for everyone, but I’m running raised beds and it’s not as easy to just pull plants out and replace as it is with pots


I looked into this!

I think my concern was sending the sample over the USA border .

I would pay for the smash packs with pre made return labels and send them back as required wit(h the sample.

Nothing I saw in Canada was available when I looked .

At this point I’m still learning a lot so it’s Good Practice Male or female.

Later down the road it will be an attractive option

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