Spoiled by fems, sexing in veg, no time for preflowers

Howdy OG fam!

I have a few questions for those that may have some tips. As the title says, fems have spoiled me. I have grown used to just planting one bean, and then going into flower, after taking a clone for future use.

I recently ordered 5 strains, all heavy indica, but they are regulars. Five beans a pack. I think they will be throwing in extras though. I plan on working with one strain at a time. My setup is very small. I have a 3X3X6 tent for SCROG veg and flower and a 2X2 tent for bonsai mothers and cloning and seed starting. Space is tight.

I have not really ever grown with regs. Bag seed yes, but I just wait to see preflowers and go from there. I am not looking for pollen. In an ideal world, I would certainly be breeding these to at least get many more beans to play with down the road. This time, I will have to rely on solo cups to start because of space limitations.

Sorry for the ramble. So, assuming it is just 5 beans a pack, should I start them all at once and hope for some females or should I just try with two or three and save the other few beans just in case?

Sexing… Should I (1) take cuttings from the solo cup plants and put them in my flower tent or should I (2) take my cuttings and put the solo cup plants into the flowering tent to see sex? I have read that you can throw cuts right into flowering without rooting and they will change but I am worried by the time they do change my solo cup plants will be getting very root bound and start having deficiencies. Or, (3) is there such a thing as just throwing the solo cup in the flower tent until they show and then pull immediately back into veg tent? I know about revegging but I am worried about the stress it will do to these plants at such a young age. I would probably be throwing them in at three weeks.

I hope this made sense. I am getting myself confused just proof reading :roll_eyes:

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any suggestions or advice :pray:


Typically I take clones and place the seed plants in flower. Toss the males as they show. Often the plants will show after 4-5 weeks of veg anyway. If you want to speed that up, place the plants in 12/12 for a couple days when they are 3 weeks old. Then put them back in veg. They should show preflowers within a week but still stay in the veggative state.


Fantastic info! I can’t thank you enough!


In your position I would consider starting 8 seeds, sex them in 1 gallon containers, assume 3-4 females, take clones, discard males (except maybe 1) and then flower.

That’s how I’d start a reg seed run. I have a 2x4 tent that works for this strategy.


Thank you!


With regulars always germinate as many as you can, if there are 5 in a pack just pop all or at least 4 of each strain, this is because you have 50/50 chances of getting male or female, usually in a pack of 5, 2 males are probably popping.


Based on yours and other people’s advice, as I work through the strains, I will be starting all of them in the pack as I go. I have the “seed fever” where I am basically in hoarder mode lol!

Thank you so much for the advice. I will do as you said.


I would do this the other way around especially if you plan on keeping mothers. Seed plants have tap roots, clones do not.

Keep the plant with the tap root and flower the rooted clones to sex them or grow out in a hunt for keepers.


What is so special about having a tap root


Lol that’s how I’ve been lately. Just been buying em up


True organic grows should reveg ,unless killed in flush , if the plant does not reveg is it really worth keeping a weak plant . That’s were the difference in feminized and regular could come into play . If you plan on keeping a mother dont use salt based nutrition.


I’d say 60-40% in favour of males.
But I find more females in lower numbers.
I have a theory that with higher numbers if there are enough females for some diversity then through evelution others tend to opt for male to utilise the situation.
But this is flawed the big question is over is sex determined at seed level or later on?
Jury is out on this but it seems there might be scientific methods that predetermine this now not sure.
Having a mare at mo as normally I can determine sex in a 5.5litre pot but I’m struggling in 7.5 l at mo to grind down the numbers.
I think the most poignant advice I’ve ever heard to do with this situation is that there like humans and they are individuals, which takes me back to are you manipulating the plant or is it manipulating you?
I go for the former I’m just the side kick the plant is boss

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I only use organics. From the soil to the additives. I actually do this because it is so simple! I am over the feeding schedules and overpriced additives.


I have been told by grower friends that the tap root does make the plant stronger in the long run if you are going to be turning it into a mother. I think I will be staying with the clones though, for now.


IMO, the tap root is only advantageous if we plan to put the plant in the ground. Seed plants are much bigger and healthier than clones outdoors.

In a container, that tap root just spins around the pot and gets root bound.


In my case, being that I have to keep my mothers so small, it would probably be a hindrance.

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Ahh your going into voodoo magic and witch craft style of growing ? Well congrats I agree much easier and your plants will love ya for it!


HA!! I agree with voodoo witchcraft style, it kind of feels like that! Adding dead ground up things to soil that are really stinky… I love it :sparkling_heart: Your description is spot on! And don’t forget about the magic mychorrhizea spores :mushroom:


I’m doing pretty much the same thing… ’cause I’m lazy!! :rofl: :joy: :star_struck:
Once you got it dialed in … you just water!

:+1: :sunglasses:

I read the posts from folks doing hydro… thinking shit… you really have to be on top of this every. single. day! Sure, bigger faster yields and all. but it’s a lot of work! :construction_worker_man:
I’ll leave that stuff for the youngins They got more energy than me (and money!)…



When I first got serious about growing years ago I did DWC. Every. Single. Day. I would have to PH the water. The bigger it gets the more it drinks and the more water you have to add which then throws the PH swings even wider. The plants were great, but my god. We’re in the same boat. I am too damn old for all that. My knees couldn’t take all the time on them waving that stupid pen around in the water!

Oh, and the terps are WAY better in organics.

I’m glad those that like it that way do enjoy it, but I am so happy there’s a more chill method…