Male/female before up-potting?

Good evening all growers, lurkers and cannabis tokers

Since I’ve been going through my basic 101 growers training -

Ive just covered the identification stage after finally scraping by Germination- sprouts - seedling stage .

I culled 3 males and vegged 2 females after successfully transplating them from solo cups to grow bags.

I’m wondering if anyone waits until they can determine sex before up-potting? If growing females Is the goal

In perfect world that would make sense I guess if you could wait… im only asking After I had transplanted mine into a organic medium only to find out a couple days later it was a male.

I’ve got a number of plants in cups and wondering if I should hold off to see sex or would that be detrimental to the plants growth.


I’ve never been able to sex a plant before up potting icon_e_confused|nullxnull and always thought how there’s people capable to do so icon_e_surprised|nullxnull.

After making a big mistake slap|nullxnull now I wait to clearly see balls or not, no matter how long it takes … ejem|nullxnull


I germinate and sex in 1L yogurt containers. You end up needing to water everyday but it works.


If you’re going the organic route, any roots and plant remains from a culled male just serve as compost for the next inhabitant of that pot.

In my personal experiences I’ve never been able to sex a plant in a small pot unless doing 12/12 from seed. Even putting a plant under 12/12 for two days before returning to veg has been hit and miss- mostly miss.


I like to wait till they show preflower before up potting/flipping to bloom. It usually takes about 4-6 weeks of veg, some show early some show later. If your relying on the nutrients in your soil and your not feeding them anything, then you might need to up pot or they might get deficient. Getting a bit root bound before up pot isn’t as much as an issue if your giving them time before you flip. But it does make it a bit more stressful and some sensitive strains may herm from it.


Dunno if this works but a guy told me to give them12 hrs light dep as large seedlings, never tried it tho, scared of the dreaded hermies!

Thanks everyone. - I did re use the organix soil - I started almost 10seedlins in it lol! They are doing great. I won a bag of organic living soil and was planning on using it for the one plant , but it showed balls , so I killed it and was able to find some answers about re using it.

My baby Veg plants have other little seedlings (non cannabis ) in the cup lol some purple ones too

I figured I would ask before i transplanted 8 plants lol maybe save some time and space! No short cuts here i guess!

I guess will be getting some of the Tall plastic pots rather than the fat grow bags I have to save on space.

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I guess now that I think of it, it would take time and experience to notice pre flowers. I only know how to identify balls LOL

I could be waiting a while watching hahaha

All my plants seem to get root bound in the past.

Maybe I will just up-pot to slightly larger maybe tall 3 gal pots

I recycle my soil so it doesn’t matter if I waste it supporting a male. It all gets chopped up and added back into the soil


Just remember for pre-flowers that if it looks like a claw its a male and if it looks like a teardrop its a girl. Heres a male pre-flower about a month old from seed…

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That’s a Good idea. Mine never took tomthe soil so no roots to chop.

I find transplanting really strenuous onnthe back and I’m very messy + the time involved - and the space in tent go bye bye lol

Personally my method is 3" starter cubes till the Cotyledons open then into a 3 gallon for 4-6 weeks and they “graduate” into a 10 gallon when they show their pistils and males get pulled. From there they get a month and then into 20-30 gallon for the remainder of my grows, I’ve found 10 gallon is the largest I can safely transplant into something larger. This summer I may be changing it up and skipping the 10 gallon and straight from a 3 gallon to a 30 and running the grow completely in the greenhouse for veg and flower instead of veg inside and greenhouse flower like I did this last year’s grow

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So I actually did a lil experiment throwing a handful of seed to see if any unknown strain seeds I received a large amount of were fem or regs and started 12 of em and left em and neglected em in solo cups, after almost 2 months I felt bad for em and gave em a 1 gallon, let them go for another month in that and started feeling bad again and knew I was gearing towards flower anyways so threw em in 3 gallons and couple weeks later off to flowering. All were fem but the important thing I did note was harvesting and pulling the roots they still were the size and almost the shape of the original solo cup and thin even though they got 2 more transplants and months following. Important moral of the story is those first couple months that plant is gaining vigor from seed on its way to sexual maturity it’s really gonna stake it’s ground and set the tone for the rest of the grow. Best thing you can do is give those roots plenty of room for the expected root stretch to plant size for amount of time expected. I’m to a point I see plants like the 6 u have in those little cups in the center of that pic that size and I just cringe cuz after my experiment I honestly feel like it’s throttling the grow back and gonna affect the overall vigor even up potted. The ones you have on the right are perfect size to up pot to at least a 3 or 5 gallon till they can get sexed, just my .02 from my experiences. Give those roots room!!

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That’s a great point you make ! I always give them lots of root space - but always when it’s too late and it takes a while to rebound but they do…
Possibly the reason all my plants don’t grow to full size!

I think those six will be fine if I transplant TODAY/TOMORROW. They have only just reached they’re siZE recently .

I do appreciate you’re advice and it is why I made this post. Thank you

Will be upping them to 3gal today

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I agree. I don’t even try to tell what they are til after they’re in bigger pots. In my case most won’t tell me nothing til I flip em so I just wait to see balls. They won’t get you if you check every day. As for wasted soil /pots once I I’d a male I chop it trash it and take it’s soil n roots bust it all up n mix it right into my next soil mix to be used.

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Like they say - if you don’t ask you’ll never know !!!

This plant is almost a month old and I expect him/her to show any day now

Little too much N but small pots can be tricky


Kick Ass. Mr.F.

1 litre yogurt cups for next round to start in .

In just realising im gonna have to open my second tent To accomodate all these plants lol 2*4 tent for 12 plants and they are looking great so they will all live by my accord

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They now need water everyday and it’s a bit of a challenge to dial the ferts in right which is why it’s clawing a little. I’ve been going full strength each water but I think I will dial it back to 3/4 strength.

I have a very small veg space so the small pots give me more room to fuck around.

Best of luck. It has worked well for me.

Next step is 1 gallon pots for LST and more veg after they show and then into 3gs for flower.

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This almost always works for me, I usually do it in solo cups.