Most productive Pot size?

As described in title, what’s the best size?

Looking for best return on time & space for regular seeds.

Since there’s a 50/50 chance for each one to be female (only trying to keep the most viable male per run for seed breeding) , trying to get the most out of my space, being able to grow the plants to a healthy size, but conserve on soil usage.

Thx in advance!



More info would be helpful what’s your space how often you water you could grow in a beer cup but better have a water system for it. I prefer a big enough container you can escape for 2 days .

Three to four gal for 6 ft :evergreen_tree:


I have a 4x4 veg tent, and a 5x5 flower footprint.

Usually check water daily, water about every 2 days now, currently using 5gallon pots, but seems like a waste of soil because my flower tent max veg height of plants is 3’ due to height double in flower. Only have 6’ hwight approximately.


I went from 5 gallon fabrics to 3 gallon fabrics in a 4x4. More yield but i have also increased my skill and knowledge along the way. It has alot to do with grow mediums and feed style.


I keep moms in half gal with a gal catch pan that height . Id say 2 gal or depending on your plant numbers the octopot 3 or 6 gal are pretty nice but a bit pricy. But then your height is the same as a five gal pail with those .


I myself am going through this too. Though productivity vs container size is based on veg time, plus your skill with nutrient and canopy maintenance. Bigger containers are just much more forgiving and makes yields easier to achieve.
My current plants got overly big since I’ve had to veg for a lot longer than I planned. They will have to go into 5 gal buckets to flower, and will be the max height I can handle, even after chopping the plants in half already. Going forward, I’m going to use 3gaL square buckets (kitty litter buckets). They are 10” on each side, I don’t remember the height. I can fit 9 of those with wiggle room in my 3x3x6ft tent. To save on space and resources, Im going to be vegging in 1/2-1gal containers, then transplanting into the buckets for bloom. Cutting will be taken during veg to sex the plant before the transplant.
Edit: the buckets I’m going to use is basically a foot tall.


I’ve done it a few ways but my current thinking is to sex them in 1 gallon pots and then into 3 gallon pots for flower.

I have a 2x4

All the best


Plant size can be limited not only by the hands that tend them but also by the size of the container they are housed in. Available area for lateral root growth is often a common link amongst BIG plants.

I am going to rely on some fellow OGs to demonstrate that through various training methods and nutrient wrangling amazing things can happen in very little area and providing more area and more care even bigger things can happen.

Take @GramTorino playing around with a 1oz container below

Versus @gramps who employs fabric pots the size of children’s swimming pools, it really depends on your grow style, available space/resources, and ultimately your goals.


I for one am running 9 X 25L pots in a 4X4X6 Veg Tent and another 10 in an 8x4x6 chamber as I am pheno-hunting and need to run multiple strains to narrow my pool down to only the best for my uses, in my limited space.

But if I had the space/ the genetics in hand to commit to just a few strains I would love to run @Outlaw 's System shown below definitely one of favorite high-yielding indoor setups I have come across on the site.


Or very similarly a laboratory full of @Mr.Sparkle 's Auto Chamber’s- by far the most efficient use of space IMO


Really there is no way to answer your question especially without you first trying a few different sizes and seeing what can and can’t be grown in your space, with your gear and environmental conditions. Every grower has to balance their wants and needs; some juggle diversity and high plant counts while others focus on maximum yields from only small plant counts and larger canopies. You are just going to have to experiment :nerd_face: No matter what you decide or what OG says, it has to work for you and your style and you can’t know that until you try!


@TerpSneeze. Holy shit!! That reply needs to be pinned for every new person to read, including myself. What a great insightful and informative answer. Even with pictures of different grow styles. Rock on Terpsneeze and thank you for everything you bring to the community!!


I was totally going to reference the 16oz challenges, but that is stuff that still blows my mind! Then those shot glass plants just take the cake lol. Though he’d prob have to up pot into a 8oz is to flower it lol.
Yes, I totally agree, as The plan I laid out above is for running through seeds and strains. Once I have keeper mothers, and more space/tents set up, I want to run 4 plants in a 3x3, Vegged and trained to make a solid canopy. Only running one or two strains at a time in each tent. If I’m stuck with just one 3x3 area for bloom, I’ll prob stick with the 3gaL buckets, and add/harvest 3 plants of a different strain every 3 weeks allowing some overlap of faster/slower finishing strains.


I use 2 gallon pots, that hold about a gallon and a half of dirt.


So, you will flip them, the only transplant the females?


Haha, up potting to 8oz, love it.

I have both a large space with a few large plants (4 plants in a 16 gallon RDWC, 2 plants in an 18 gallon RDWC) and a small space with a lot of small plants (a bunch of 16oz cups in an ebb and flow tote setup).

I’m having more fun taking care of the SOG of smaller plants than I am with the large plants that take a while to veg then flip.

Lots of small plants means I can run a large variety of genetics on a small footprint, and I can segregate males and do seed runs side by side with my normal flowering girls if you’re careful enough about how you pollinate.

The trim job on SOG style plants is also easier from my experience.


I started in 5 gallon buckets in about 10.5 sq feet of space I was able to fit 6 easy and produced well
But never was able to produce what I needed to get from grow to grow It took forever to veg
Started scroggin and increased by about 10 to 15 %
Still took forever and got a bit closer to my goal
Then went to 3 gallon fabric with 9 plants it did fill the net quickly and increased yield as well but a lot of work watering a lot very 3 days and with 5 different strains it was fun a lot to control
Now I run 2 tents 1 , 40 in x 40 in x 60 In and. A 24 in x 24 x x60 tent with total of 5 Octopots with 6 gallon bags yes it’s a lot of soil but with a net it’s very doable but I still managed to over power the rooms this grow I should be more that capable to reach my goal of 2 lbs ( I should get very close )
I did let this veg too long 30 days next run I’ll only do 3 weeks of veg
The big thing for me is less work and these octopots are easy as pie


Just my opinion
not going for monster plants
2 gallon or 3 gallon.
2 gallon plastic bags are real cheap. Like 50 for 8 bucks.
Fabric 3 gallons are going to be cheaper than fabric 2 gals. But much more $ than plastic bags. But indoor a 2-3 gallon rootball per plant will produce well. With a minimal veg time. Thats hand water once a day or other day. The fabric is better but more expensive and the 2 gallon option is limited its 1-3-5-7usually.


Idk what happened in that post it changed font for one line.

Yes that is correct. I let them get a little big for their 1 gallon pots when I do it this way.

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Fixed it for ya.

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My priorities for growing ganja (in and outdoors) have changed quite a bit over the years that I have been growing.
I would use mostly 5 gallon size when I wished to achieve maximum yield with some portability.

I have consistently downsized since then, and as I now only grow for myself, and have gotten older and weaker, I use ⅔ to 1 gallon containers only…both in and out.

So I would also say that the sweet size for productive (yield wise) plants (particularly indoors) would be the 2 to 3 gallon sizes.

Also, as mentioned by @MysteryMoog there is a difference between a “nursery” container’s nominal size and actual size.


Personally id go for about 1L per month the plant is alive if i was going for effeciency. Saying that im using 1L pots for my entire grow at the mo. I have heard 1 gallon per month of the plants life but a gallon varies where you are.

You have to take in method into account seeing as dwc wants more room as its much more vigorous growth… Plant spacing has a huge effect, feed and light too. Not even counting root trimming and autowatering… :joy: