Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍

Pics numbers 4 6 7 and 8 I can tell … look at the leaves on Said pics on one of them there’s like a clump where even spread frost used to be… on greener leaf… wow looking good @ifish !!!


Thanks @Terpsnpurps : ) yeah deffo Frostier and its only been 6/7 days worth lol

The brown hairs started at the bottom of the plants so I’m assuming they are not uvb related and is just plant begining to finish

They sure look Frostier than any other pics I see of hawaian snow on the net so well happy : )

Fading is abit early tho than I would like but hopefully I switch to fall feed at end of this week and push for the finish earlier than expected

Trich heads do seam larger


Bravo man!!! :clap: They do look delicious!

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#4 is frosty and sexy as hell


I will deffo give you a smoke report on her paps : )


Hey I want a smoke report too!! Hahahaha


Up to two and a half hours uvb to nite
Really lookin forward to the slurricane up next
Will take pics tomorrow nite of the hawaian snow ladies : )


Sweet man!!! Show that frost!!!

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I’m curious to see the beautiful plants

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Some of the longer flowering Hawaiian sativa leaders were not happy with me droppin p so soon by the look of the fans lol but I really need them finished at the end of April for deffinate haha , the laos learners were fine with it tho , so im happy with the compromise I made : )


I would be too !!! Hahaha

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I want another uvb tube @Terpsnpurps
Some arnt under the uvb as close as I would like , two would deffo give me nicer spread / coveraage : )


For sure man… what about the sides are you eventually doing that too?

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Yes , full steam ahead for the slurricaine : )


Was lookin at migro uvb , she’s like 75% uvb , I don’t know if my low height room could handle that lol

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Yeah maybe not man that’s alot!! I don’t remember what solacure was… I can look

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Essentially it can handle it… you just would have to do much lower times etc…

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Would be a £150 gamble tho , couldn’t risk it

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Yeah that is expensive

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If it worked tho it be smazing , maybe next year when I’m more flush I risk it

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