Mapito " SIMPLY THE BEST " 😍

This is the solacure some of the info anyway

Wow is she dimmable : ) 25-80 wats
Dimming or brightening may change the spectrum tho idk


Very lovely work!! I’ve tangled with a few 16-24 week strains in the past, and those are stunning.


Thanks @webeblzr im lookin forward to chop day : )


Shit we all are bro hahaha


Was eyeing up a pair of method seven cultivator fx classics , thinking I could do with a pair , leds are bright : )
They are for led and cmh so great in winter when I supliment my led lighting with cmh for extra heat annnnnd in summer when I run lots of led , win win : )
My lights are just Above eye level so I can’t avoid their harsh effects on my eyes
Plus the bonus of reading plants true colour when lights on is as massive bonus too : )


Great looking grow @ifish! I was looking into LED glasses as well, wonder how they would work in my situation though, since I am using one 3000K and one 3500K quantum board. Color difference is very obvious with naked eye.


If I get a pair , I will deffo give a review on them here @Orloff : ) i suspect protecting eyes is first priority with them
Plant colour I suspect is greatly improved by cutting out the glare reflection of the leafs from the light and then thirdly the lens colour helps some more , everyone’s led lights are different spectrum and some are dimable changing spectrum too plus they do cmh also , so I don’t think spectrum of lights although being slightly different won’t change things too much and a deficancy will be able to be Detected happening a lot Sooner , wearing them
These glasses from method seven ( fx lens ) should be a lot better than cheap lumii type which just change viewing colour and probably give no real protection to eyes ( no uv protection etc or limited ie just two lumps of coloured plastic )

On Amazon the cheapest 400uv protection glasses are say £25 ( cycling type and very cheaply made lens ) I think for an extra £40 these will be worth it , in quality of lens and effects for what we using them for ( full eye protection and better plant colour )


Now this I need to see! maybe hit that with some pollen

All of those will make some interesting crosses

Everything been looking great I enjoyed watching your thread

It’s been a fun run


Thanks paps , sure wouldn’t be as fun without you guys : )

I do have a clone of Hawaiian snow that I might use down the line and also an sts kit
: )


I’m still saving my STS kit till I find something extremely special


I have 5 slurricaine mums ready to take
Cuts of for next grow , all similar looking bar one that stretchy , the stretchy one might be special tho as the stem rub on it is waaay stinkier than the rest : )


That maybe the one lol :joy:


What is an sts kit?

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damn someone spilled the sugar :100:


An sts kit is what’s used to make fem seeds , the combination of the two chemicals togeather is sprayed on to a chosen female , this blocks out the female genes on the female so only the hidden male genes express themselves , as a result the plant changes / makes males flowers instead of female , these male flowers only produce fem pollen , so when they pollenate another female , only female seeds are formed @Terpsnpurps

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Thanks @ColeLennon , they sure are frosty , yum yum : )


Are you mothering in an Octo? i don’t think that’s what you said, but on the off chance it is I wanted to bend your ear. Also, can I just say, holy crap, those plants don’t have leaves so much as they have glowing green auras! Amazing what can and what cannot be reproduced in a photo.

Edit: i’m new here so it’s only polite to introduce myself. Hi, my name is ReservoirDog, people call me rezzy. I just moved to DWC this year, with gusto. Any day now I’ll start a journal here for my first run on the system, probably with F%$#king Incredible and or God Bud. Anyway, nice to meet you, great thread op. Thank you for having me.


@ReservoirDog , I look forward to your new topic : )


Hey rezzy. I’m not much help these days. Quit growing for a while.
Plenty of growers here killing it with the octos to help out.