Mars hydro vs. spider farmer leds

My Mars Hydro FC-4800 is dynamite


Spider Farmer fan here. I run 4 or 5 SF2000 lights. I keep a perpetual garden and need to adjust light height over plants of different sizes. Having smaller lights makes this easy. I keep one over my clone moms dialed all the way down.

Edit to add this:


I use both MH & SF fixtures and both are great for the price-point.

For Mars Hydro my 4x4 is running a FC-6500 , a 2x4 running a TSL2000, and a 2x2 running a TS1000.
For Spiderfarmer I have a 2x4 with a SF2000.

I get great results from all these lights but clearly the one that has the chonkiest results is the FC-6500 being a great design with the bar-strips. I’ve never gotten it higher than 78% dimmed and everything is stellar in flower.

I will eventually invest in the IR and UV bars but I’m holding out to see if they release a dual power version were you can set the IR and UV to independent timers. :crossed_fingers:


I put my HLG into my 2x2 and it does such a good job. I love, and I mean LOVE the quality of light from their fixtures but they are out of my price range by far. The HGL100 4000k i own was second hand at a steal of a price on Kijiji.


They sure are pricey but defiantly a quality product. I would like to see them make a nice bar light.

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